First Day in First Realm

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(New character alert!)

No One's POV
The boys were learning fast. Though only Valt and Jin had awakened their Elements so far, each one of the boys was adapting the Art of the Dragon to their own styles. Valt and Jin proved to worthy adversaries to each other and the other Masters when they sparred, and their Elements only made them even deadlier than the others.

And so PIXAL decided to move their training to the next level.

One day when the boys came to the Monastery, they were met with a bizarre sight. PIXAL was wearing her knapsack, but she'd opted to wear her blue and red armor instead. Valt looked just as confused as the rest of them beside her.

That wasn't a good sign. When PIXAL didn't tell Valt her learning agenda, it's usually because she wanted to "surprise" all of them.

And her surprises were never good.

Honcho noticed the portal generating device strapped to the outside of her armor. "So...where are we going?" He asked nonchalantly enough, but he was secretly sweating. If they weren't going to Ninjago, where in the heck were they going?

"Don't ask me - she refuses to tell me," Valt told him, sending a pointed side glance at PIXAL.

She simply smiled her infuriating smile. "I'm not telling you all until we get there," She replied, already reaching for the buttons so she could open the portal. "Trust me, though - you'll like it."

Quon groaned. "The last time we trusted you when you surprised us with a new training regime, we ended up waking up the next day with locking joints," He complained. "How is this going to be any better?"

PIXAL's smile only grew larger. "You'll see."

As the horde of confused boys surrounded her, PIXAL finished her sequence on the generating device. The portal blazed to life in front of them, washing them all in blue light. PIXAL gestured them all through the doorway before following, as per usual.

But what wasn't per usual was the world into which they stepped into.

They quickly deduced that it wasn't the streets of New Ninjago City by the sudden wave of heat that greeted them. Then there was the blinding light. As they collectively blinked until their eyes adjusted, they beheld a strange sight - instead the normal white light they'd come to expect from the Sun, what hung in the sky was a golden brown orb that somehow was able to shine light. The sky was a dusty gold instead of the normal blue; instead of oceans or forests, there was desert all around. The only water source within sight was a large river that reflected the odd color of the sky. Craggy peaks of muddy umber dotted the horizon.

What was really different about it was the dark shapes that flew just below the Sun and released thundering growls that echoed for miles.

The boys were quiet for a moment. Then they erupted in whoops and cheers as they realized exactly where they were.


PIXAL laughed at their reactions, watching as her students ran around and tried to capture their new surroundings from every possible angle; their eyes sparkled with joy that rivaled the light from the goldenrod Sun. "Yes - welcome to the first world of Ninjago," She said dramatically, spreading her arms to indicate the wide expanse around them. The dark Sun outlined her in a surreal light. "The Realm of Oni and Dragon!"

The outbursts of delight only got louder when she confirmed it. "What are we doing here, PIXAL?" Valt asked, running up to her with his brown eyes ablaze with excitement. "Are we going to meet Firstbourne?"

"Are we getting our own dragons?" Wakiya inferred next to him, his blue eyes shining at the prospect of owning an actual dragon.

"Are we going on our first official quest?" Yugo added over Valt's shoulder. His brown eyes sparkled at the idea of a quest.

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