The Art is in Everything

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About a week and a half passed, and so far, PIXAL only had them do warm ups - "baby steps", she kept saying. The boys' bodies were starting to get used to the training, but only in the slightest. By the end of the first week, nearly all of the boys could push their bodies straight up off the ground and cycle their legs in the style of PIXAL's balance exercise; however, none of them could handle the clay weights yet or perform the exercise on one hand, much less swap hands.

Regardless, each of the boys were itching to get some actual learning done. Every day when they came to the Monastery, either one blader or another came up to the white Nindroid to ask her to teach them something other than the fact that their bodies can quite literally scream in pain. Some martial art moves, or, dare they dream, Spinjitzu. And every time they asked, she would always tell them the same thing: "baby steps". Which they took to meaning "you're not ready".

So that day, when the boys came to the Monastery to train, and they saw PIXAL standing next to the clay weights - she kept them out every time they trained with the hope that one of them would soon be able to handle them - one of them finally snapped.

It wasn't one that they excepted, though.

"Okay, enough is enough!" Boa grumbled loudly, startling those around him. Up until then, Ren Wu was the only one to show hostility towards PIXAL's teachings, but even he was silent towards the goldenrod haired boy's outburst. Boa was usually quiet, hanging out near the back of the group. Yet for some reason, today was different...

The group parted to let the new Master of Form through; his walk towards PIXAL was brisk and laid back, as opposed to Ren Wu's imposing stride the day he had challenged her. He wasn't coming to interrogate, merely to ask something of her.

PIXAL stared Boa down. It seemed to be her first line of defense towards opposers. "Is there a problem, Boa?" She asked him gently.

"Yeah," He said back, but not nearly as harsh as Ren Wu had been. "Not to disrespect your teachings or anything, but I think I speak for all of us when I say we're getting tired of just doing warm ups."

"Oh, really?" PIXAL asked flatly, her green eyes probing the rest of the group; some shied away from her gaze while others stared right back at her, conveying that yes, they did agree with Boa's statement. "I'm sorry, it seems that your moaning and groaning for the past few days flew right over my head."

Boa smirked. "I'm not saying we don't enjoy the exercises, but they're getting pretty repetitive. I'm just saying, I think we would all appreciate it if you'd give us something a little more challenging."

"You say that, but none of you have perfected the Balance Exercise yet," PIXAL reminded him, all of them. She gestured towards Fubuki and Kit; both flushed under the attention. "The younger ones still can't cycle their legs for more than 45 seconds. I just want to make sure you all are ready before we try anything too difficult."

"We know, we know, 'baby steps'; like we're some goddamn toddlers," Lui grumbled from the back of the group, much to the disdain of those around him. He could make the atmosphere of a room drop just by opening his mouth.

"Uh, which we appreciate," Shu added quickly with a warning glance at Lui. "But you never know; maybe learning a few moves could help us with the exercise!"

PIXAL appeared to consider, though her eyes remained apprehensive. In an attempt to weigh in her decision, Valt spoke up from next to her. "Come on, Pix; what's the harm in teaching them a few of the basics? Like Shu said, it could help them with the exercises." His albino boyfriend shot him a grateful look.

She gave him a long look, though the apprehensive look in her eyes was gone. Then she looked back at the entire group and found them all looking at her with hopeful, pleading eyes. Even Lui and Free had expectant expressions. Each pair of eyes held the same plea: Teach us something else, please!

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