Christmas Special

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(Super late, I know. Hopefully this chapter makes up for it!)

No One's POV
The warm, dry air that blew through the Monastery courtyard that afternoon was misleading, as on the other side of the world, temperatures were steadily dropping below freezing. Whereas those temperatures were nearly zero, the temperature of this day, on this side of the planet, was brisk and almost pleasant.

But the young Master of Metal didn't notice the abrupt change in weather as he jumped out of the blue portal, still wrapped in his winter best; the snowflakes that had dusted his shoulders quickly dried up. He didn't even bother to address the large DJ animatronic that glanced at him curiously for the first time in nearly a week. He was too busy going over a checklist in his head. Renovations? Check. Decorations? Check. Activities? Check. Attending parties? Half check.

No such items or parties were around him at the moment, of course. They were on the other side of the portal he'd just come from.

And that last item on his list was what he wanted to take care of.

Ken quickly walked up the Monastery stairs and made his way over to a slightly ajar door that faced the courtyard. He paused when he stood just beside it, taking a deep breath to steel his nerves. When he appeared satisfied with himself, he approached the open door.

The image that greeted him was peaceful. Foxy was taking an afternoon nap and the Daycare Attendants were taking turns drawing bizarre pictures on his red shell with a multitude of markers, cheeky expressions animated on their faces. Freddy, Chica, Roxy, and Monty were playing a friendly game of Uno, with Monty losing spectacularly. His bad luck was mostly because of Bonnie, who was sitting behind the gator "tuning his guitar", when he was actually peeking at Monty's cards and then signaling to the others which ones he had. The poor gator had no idea what was going on, but he voiced his frustration by slamming his handful of cards down and screaming towards the ceiling, with his fellow bandmates laughing at his expense.

Vanessa was there too, but she was paid no attention by the animatronics. She just sat there in her wheelchair, watching as those around her enjoyed themselves. She offered the occasional quip and laughed as Monty continued to lose, but otherwise looked largely out of place. Even Music Man refused to go anywhere near her as he skirted the outside of the Uno game, checking on everyone's progress.

Ken had never seen anyone look so lost.

He took another deep breath before daring to break the serenity of the scene. "H-hey, guys."

Immediately ten heads whipped up to stare at him. "Kenny!" Chica called out, waving one of her white hands at him. She gazed at his attire quizzically. "Why do you look like you're about to build a snowman? Isn't it nearly 60 degrees out?"

"Forget that!" Roxy butted in, holding up her hand of cards. "Care to join us in whipping Monty's tail at Uno?"

"Don't even think about it, kid," The green gator grumbled, staring sullenly at his large card collection. "This game is already rigged enough."

"Wasn't my intention, Monty," Ken told him with a slight giggle. He waited a beat before casting his hook, "Actually, I have something I need to tell you guys. Chances are you're not gonna like it."

The mood immediately soured. "Oh?" Freddy took the liberty of asking. "And what would that be?"

Ken braced himself. "W-well, it's been a little over a week since you guys have started living here. And... a new company bought Fazbear Entertainment and has put out a notice for you. All of you." He added this with a pointed look over his shoulder at the DJ animatronic behind him.

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