Day of the Departed

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(I know this is late, but I really wanted to do a Halloween chapter - don't judge me.)

No One's POV
It had been about a week since Jin had claimed his weapons, and he was a quick learner. Under PIXAL's careful supervision, he'd learned to concentrate and shape the wind, as well as adapt his fighting style to accommodate his whips. He was able to grab things from afar with the weapons, physically maim a person, and cut something up with the spikes. PIXAL also taught him how to arc his arms to guide the wind during his attacks and further thwart his opponents.

As well as threaten Naoki to make him blueberry pies on in a daily basis.

Everyday Jin showed up to the Monastery beaming more than his teammates, ready to learn more about his Element and his whips. That day was no different, though the boys had been asked to come at a later time; Jin arrived ahead of the others with a toothy smile on his face and a bright sparkle in his normally tired eyes. His whips were looped in a belt around his midsection; PIXAL had given him the belt to help him carry his whips and Night had begrudgingly allowed him to take his whips home.

"Alright, PIXAL - what are we doing today?" He asked brightly.

But his bright look was replaced by one of confusion. Instead of her training outfit or even her armor, PIXAL was waiting for them dressed in her purple kimono. Everyone at first thought that they were going back to Ninjago, but PIXAL's knapsack was nowhere to be found. Valt could be found sulking behind her on the porch steps - a definite red flag. He was normally bouncing off of the walls of the Monastery.

Besides the later starting time, what was different about today?

"Uhhh..." Yugo stuttered, staring at the scene apprehensively. "What's happening?"

Valt glanced at them out of the corner of his eye. "Instead of training today, she wants us to learn," He grumbled loudly. "Like, history."

"Oh, stop it, Valt," PIXAL told him over her shoulder. "You always like my history lessons."

"Yeah, because they're always over quickly and then we get to actual training!" Valt whined, throwing his head back dramatically. "Today we're not doing anything afterwards, which sucks!"

"Okay, if we're doing nothing but listen to you drone on and on all day," Lui grumbled; he turned back to the gates of the Monastery. "I'm out." Others mumbled their agreement and started to follow him.

PIXAL rolled her eyes and waved her hand at the gates; they closed at her electronic command, locking the boys in. "No, no, come on," She told them, waving them back to her. "It's a part of the history of Ninjago, which is good for you all to know, and it's important for you to exercise your minds as well as your bodies."

Honcho groaned, flinging his pack against the stone wall. "But exercising our bodies is so much more fun!" He whined.

"Not everything essential to your learning has to be fun, Honcho," PIXAL explained to him. She turned and made her way up the steps, bending down and shaking Valt's crossed arms as she made her way past him. "Come - to the library, all of you."

"We have a library?" Xander questioned.

"Seriously, dude?" Ren Wu asked him, rolling his eyes up at the redhead.

None of the boys had ever been in the Monastery library before - besides Valt, but he had been there the longest. It was a circular room deep within the Monastery lined floor to ceiling nearly all around the room, with small breaks for the door and a large window, with mahogany cubbies and shelves that housed scrolls and books from every era in Ninjago's history. The same shade of red lined the ceiling and floor with details of flying dragons. There were two desks in the room - a large circular desk in the center with a smaller desk beneath the window.

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