Ken vs the Pizzaplex (part 12)

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Disclaimer: this will mostly be based off of Markiplier's gameplay.

Freddy Fazbear Pizzaplex
Ken's POV
Through the door marked with Roxy's painted silhouette, we went down a brick hallway lined with a dusty purple. At the very end was an elevator. Freddy opened the doors via an electronic signal and we stepped into the small space. And I do mean small. Compared to the spacious elevator at the entrance to the Pizzaplex, it was cramped, so Freddy and I had to stand uncomfortably shoulder to slightly higher shoulder while I pressed the button and the doors closed to take us to our destination.

Neither of us spoke. I guess both of us were in shock from the information we'd just acquired, courtesy of the most likely deceased Luis Palmgreen. I mean, it did answer a lot of questions: What was happening with the animatronics, who Bonnie and Foxy were, and why Freddy was the only one who didn't seem interested in hunting me. But still - it was a lot to take in. My tumultuous brain drowned out the sound of the elevator ascending as I dumbed down the information over and over until I'd rounded it into a nice summation:

The animatronics are being affected by a malware virus. The virus causes them to have memory blackouts during the after hours; during these blackouts, they are controlled against their will by some unknown person to pursue and kill children. A Security Guard by the name of Luis Palmgreen noticed the changes and created Project Reboot - a computer chip that, when connected to the system of a light-emitting device and shone in the eyes of an animatronic, will send a signal to erase all viruses in the system. Three animatronics have been tested by Project Reboot - two of them have suffered mysterious accidents and have been decommissioned.

Freddy is the only one of the three tested animatronics that hasn't been decommissioned.

And he's currently helping me.

I snuck a glance at him out of the corner of my eye. He was standing slightly hunched, seemingly determined to keep his focus on the elevator doors. His glowing eyes refused to look my way.

I knew it was because he was still shaken by what Luis had written; heck, I was still shaken by it. He'd once been apart of the hunting party that was currently searching for me, and so had several of his currently decommissioned friends. Someone had hacked him and caused him to go against his programming to hurt children instead of entertain them - a violation like that is not so easily forgiven and forgotten, even by an animatronic.

Back in Parts and Service, I'd told Freddy that what had happened was in the past, and I didn't care what he'd done so long as he helped me escape the Pizzaplex. That had been the truth - still was the truth.

Though I couldn't help but wonder: How many has he helped kill, and how many has he killed himself?

I turned my gaze back in front of me and let out a little puff of air, not allowing myself to groan out loud in case it put Freddy more on edge than he probably already was. As many answers that Luis's experiment logs had given us, even more questions had taken their place. Who was behind the malware virus? Why were they using the animatronics to hunt the children? What was the purpose of this so-called "game"?

And two more questions kept surfacing in my mind: Who is the woman in the bunny suit? What is her role in all this?

The sound of the elevator reaching our destination interrupted my train of thought. I had been so deep in my mental dialect that I momentarily forgot where we were and why we were here. I scraped the edges of my conscious and came to a conclusion:

Elevator -> Roxy's room. Roxy's room -> Rockstar Row. Rockstar Row -> Chica's room. Chica's room = Party Pass.

It seemed like a pretty simple, straightforward plan. Well, let's see how badly we can screw it up.

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