First Day of Training

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The sun lined the roof of the Monastery of Spinjitzu, warming the backs of the newly assembled group of Elemental Masters. It was the first official day of training, and PIXAL had suggested (or rather, strongly implied) that they get up at 5 am.

At the latest.

So instead of buzzing with excitement, the group of 20 young boys was vibrating with yawns. The only ones that weren't drowning in sleeplessness were those that were used to being up at such an hour: Valt Aoi, who had been through this training regime already; Shu Kurenai, who had often been up early to run; Lui Shirosagi, who was on the strictest blader training regime known to man; the Sword Flames, who were martial artists themselves; and Ren Wu Sun, for the same reason as the Sword Flames. The others didn't have this luxury; the youngest were practically falling asleep on their feet. Free De La Hoya and Jin Aizawa had fully given up on trying to stay awake and were sleeping soundly against the wall, snoring in unison softly.

When PIXAL opened the doors to the courtyard, she was greeted by an orchestra of yawns. Her face betrayed nothing at the sight - she had probably been through this beginning many times. She strode to the edge of the porch, causing the group to straighten at the sight of her. Cuza Ackerman quickly shook Kit Lopez and Fubuki Sumie, startling them out of their attempts at napping. Orochi Ginba took care of Free and Jin, producing a sharp yet low whistle that had them awake and on their feet in no time. PIXAL watched as they fell into position before her, feet spread shoulder length apart, hands clasped behind her back; the picture of a teacher surveying her students.

"No armor today, Pix?" Valt asked, tilting his head at her appearance.

The Nindroid smirked and glanced down at her outfit. As opposed to her usual purple kimono or red and blue Samurai X armor, she was wearing a loose fitting white tank top that showed off her metallic white and purple arms. Her legs were clothed in black sweat pants that ended soon enough to reveal black tabi shoes in their full image. "I thought we would...ease the group into their training," She explained.

Valt grinned like a fox. "So you don't think they can handle it?" He asked teasingly. A couple of the boys around him looked at one another in confusion. Ren Wu just looked outraged.

PIXAL snorted slightly. "In time, they might," She told the snickering blue boy. "But when you try new things, it's important to take baby steps. I seem to remember you weren't exactly a natural when you started out, either." She said with a giggle to the group, "He couldn't get past the first set of warmups before he passed out." A few of the martial artists snickered, but a couple of the less athletic boys went pale.

Valt sweat dropped. "I was recovering from being banged in the head with the Earth," He protested with his arms flailing, though the joking tone never left his voice. "What did you expect - Lloyd Garmadon, reincarnated?"

PIXAL laughed loudly at the cocky question, tilting her shiny head to the sky and closing her green eyes from the force of her guffaws. While the name vaguely rang a bell in the minds of those in attendance, the joke did not.

" 'Being banged in the head with the Earth'?" Shu asked, giving his boyfriend a concerned glance. "Valt, what does that mean?"

Valt's sweat worsened as he realized he hadn't told Shu everything about the day he had discovered his Elemental Power. "Uhhh...longstoryI'lltellyoulater," He said quickly, then shushed harshly enough to spit. "PIXAL IS TRYING TO TEACH US A LESSON." His body posture returned to one of respectful compliance, but his nervous sweat remained.

Shu gave him a look that said they would be talking about it later, whether Valt wanted to or not.

"Anyway," PIXAL broke in, growing serious. "Today, I will begin to teach you boys the way that has been taught since before time had a name. The art that the First Spinjitzu Master established when he created Ninjago and its sister realms. The Art of Spinjitzu."

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