I'm at a loss...

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Guys, I have SO MANY storylines in my head for how some of the boys awaken their Elements, and have SO LITTLE time to do them!

So I'm gonna let you guys decide! Which of these boys should I write about first?

These are the boys I've thought up storylines for so far, and (hopefully small) insights into what each plot involves:

Fubuki (Endless Sea)
Orochi (a music competition, involves a drawn comic)
Honcho (Shintaro reunion)
Wakiya (Ninjago deserts)
Shu (a legendary grave robbery)
Naoki (search for a new heart)
Xander (fight with demons)
Quon (protecting new characters)
Yugo (defending one's home)
Kit (a new bandana-wearing friend)
Ren Wu (stress overload)
Boa (new brother and sister)
Jin (haunted Dragon Form awakening, though for this one to happen, Orochi's Awakening has to happen first)

Just an FYI, these storylines won't immediately be one after another - like every series, there are going to be "filler episodes" in which the boys get to goof off. Vote on who you think should power up next in the comments, and whoever gets the highest number of votes gets the first chapter! I'll make a list!

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