Chapter 34

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I stared up at the ceiling, dull eyed.

I couldn't sleep.

Yosano was probably passed out by now.

After grabbing my mask, a pair of shoes, and a jacket, I snuck out of the apartment and walked outside in front of the dormitory. I sat on a bench that was set there by Kenji one time.

About 30 minutes ago, I was asleep, but I woke up from a nightmare.

A stupid nightmare about that Sasaki woman..


I just realized someone had just left their dorm. I looked to my left.

Oh, you have got to be kidding me.

"Y/n? What are you doing up this late?" Kunikida pushed up his glasses. For bed, he was in some random grey shirt with some pajama pants.


"I-I know, but...why this late?"

"I couldn't sleep." I looked away from him. I wanted him to just go away already.

~Kunikida's Pov:~

What's wrong? Why does she sound so angry at me? She did that earlier as well, when I was looking for Atsushi.

I sat beside her on the bench.

~Y/n's Pov:~
No! Just go away!

I gave him a side eye as he sat beside me.

"Atsushi and Kyouka are safe. I got them from that boat."

"...Oh. That's good..." I stared at the grass in front of us, hoping that if I just gave him short answers, he'd get bored and go away.

Kunikida looked at me, "Hey, Y/n.."


"I have a question."


"I've always wondered, where did you get the bracelet and necklace you always wear? You've had it since we've met."

"...Just from someone."


I tried to suck up my anger before speaking, "Uh, my parents. The bracelet is my father's The necklace is my mother's."

"They were in the French government, yes?"

"..Yeah, they were."

"I take it they spoiled you a lot?" He said, almost in a joking way.

"Well, I wouldn't know."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because they died the minute I was born."

Kunikida sounded shocked, "I-I'm so sorry, I.."

"It's fine." I spoke, trying to hide my bitterness.

"Well...where did you get that flower book you have a large liking to?"

"My brother."

"Y-you did? Asher, right?"


"What was he like?"

"....Nice.." I wanted him to just shut up already.

Kunikida nodded and looked ahead, "I heard good things about him. He must've been a great person."

"Yeah, he was."

"The moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?"

I looked up at the sky, "Yeah, it is.."

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