Chapter 10

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~Y/n's Pov~
I smiled as Ranpo and Dazai were playing chess.

Yosano, Kunikida, and I were in our seats that Yosano told me were desk chairs, watching in front of Ranpo's desk.

Dazai moved his rook, grinning.

Ranpo only yawned and moved his queen, taking out Dazai's rook.

"Aw." Dazai sighed. He moved another chess piece.

Suddenly, Ranpo used his queen to knock out Dazai's king. "Checkmate."

"What?!" Dazai's eyes widened. He then sighed, "Aw, man. I was planning to go drinking tonight."

"I'll take that 3000 yen now."

Dazai gave him some money. Ranpo smirked as he counted it.

Dazai looked at me, "Any chance you know how to play chess, Y/n?"

"I do."

Everyone looked shocked except Ranpo, "You do?!" They shouted, except for him.


I learned chess back at the orphanage. Asher had taught me how to play. He said it was our mom's favorite thing to play.

"Well, are you up for a game?" Dazai grinned.

I nodded, "Okay." I moved my desk chair over to the board.

Once we had everything set, I was on white side, so I moved my pawn two spaces.

As we kept playing, I noticed he was leaving a bishop in the back. I kept a good eye on it as we played.

He took out my queen, smiling. "You're in check,
Y/n. My knight is about to end you."

"...Actually, it's your bishop that's about to." I moved my last queen I had left, taking out his bishop.

His eyes widened in surprise, "I thought I distracted you from that bishop."

"Your knight can't touch me." I stared at him.

He smirked. "Well played." He moved his knight.

I moved my king.

"But you forgot about my rook." He used his rook and knocked my king out. "Checkmate."

I sighed in defeat.

"Not bad though." Yosano said, "What do you think, Kunikida?"

"Nice game." He was busy flipping through pages of his Ideal Notebook.

..He's that obsessed with a notebook?


~Time Skip~
We were now on a rooftop, chatting and laughing.

Yosano was drinking something called wine. Her face looked red as she spoke in a weird way.

Dazai was annoying Kunikida by poking his forehead. Kunikida looked annoyed as he stared ahead.

Ranpo was eating something called cake they had bought. I was also eating it. It was amazing.

It was night. The lights of the buildings and skyscrapers looked pretty.

I was sitting in a chair near Kunikida as I ate the cake.

~Kunikida's Pov:~
As Dazai poked my forehead obnoxiously, I glanced at Y/n who was sitting to my right and eating cake. She was slipping the fork underneath her mask as she ate.

I'm sure she must hate how annoying that mask can be.

...What does she look like without it?

I'm sure she's beautiful.

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