Chapter 11

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~Y/n's Pov:~
I can't believe him!

He's the stupid one! Not me!

I didn't even do anything wrong! And he just started yelling at me!

I hope he..

I hope he loses his stupid notebook!

I walked inside the Agency's office and to Fukuzawa's office. I needed someone to take me home since I didn't know my way.

I opened the door. He wasn't there.

No! Where is he?!

I closed the door and kept looking around.

He isn't here..

I sighed.

I'm not walking with Kunikida! Not with that rude blockhead!

I walked out of the Agency's office.

I'll find my way home by myself!

I walked to the stairs and didn't use the elevator because I'm still scared of it.

I walked down the stairs, angry.

And he has a dumb hairstyle! He looks like some dirty dead rat is his dumb ponytail!

His handwriting isn't even that good! I've seen better.

......He is pretty good with his handwriting, nevermind.

But he's a jerk!

I reached the final step and walked out of the building. I walked on the sidewalk past many people.

~Time Skip~
Is this the right way?

It should be..

"Y/n! Y/n! Wait!"

I let out an angry groan as I recognized the voice. I looked at Kunikida, "Go away! How did you find me?!"

"I've been trying to catch up to you ever since you left the building.." He stopped in front of me.

I glared at him, "What do you want?"

"I wanted to apologize."

"Leave me alone. You're annoying and dumb."

"I know what I said was stupid and wrong, but-"

"It was. Thank you for noticing." I put my hands on my hips.


"I should just cough in front of your face." I began walking away, angry.

"Don't just hold a grudge against me!"

"I don't know what grudge means! I'm stupid, remember?!"

"Don't cross that street, they have a green light!"

"Then I'll kick their dumb demonic cars and walk anyway!"

~Kunikida's Pov:~
This woman..

I sighed, "Y/n, come back."

She was about to be at the corner of the building she was walking past, "No. I'm finding my way home." She was about to take a left.

"That's not the way home-"

My sentence was cut off as she screamed. My eyes widened.

Someone had grabbed her arm and pulled her in the direction she was about to walk to.

I immediately began running to her, "Y/N!"

As I made it to the scene, people were trying to put her in a grey van.

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