Chapter 5

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I slowly opened my eyes. It was morning.

I got out of the futon and looked around. Yosano was probably in that weird room called "a bathroom".

I tried getting on my chair with wheels, but my feet hurt even more.

Yosano walked inside the bedroom, "Oh. Are you okay?"

"...My feet hurt."

Yosano sat down beside me. "I have an ability that allows me to heal people. I can do so if you want me to."

My eyes widened and I looked at her, "Ability?"

"..Have you not heard of those before-"

"You have an ability?" My eyes grew wider.

Asher had an ability..

More people have those?!

"..Yes, I do." Yosano blinked twice in surprise. "If you want, I can heal you."


"But.." She stood up and grabbed a huge bag, "It'll hurt. I'll be nice since this is your first time and numb your body."

"What's 'numb'?"

~Time Skip~

"I'm only bringing you to the verge of death! You can't even feel it that much, I numbed your body!"

"I can't feel anything!"

"Hold still, Y/n!"


"It's a chainsaw. Now hold still."


~Time Skip~
I kept my eyes shut the entire time. I refused to open them, so I didn't see the rest of what Yosano called "treatment".

I suddenly felt feeling once again and my body wasn't "numb".

My feet!

I opened my eyes and looked at them.

They're okay!

I looked at Yosano.

She smiled, "Better?"

I smiled, looking at my sock covered feet. "They are!"

~Time Skip~
I was now in Yosano's white long sleeve shirt with buttons on it and one of her black skirts.

"..What exactly is this place?" I looked at the large house that was two stories with a bunch of doors as we walked out of it.

Yosano chuckled, "It's called an apartment, Y/n. It's my dorm in the Agency."

"..Why are there more than on door?"

"Because that's the other apartments for the Agency members. And all of those make up an apartment complex."



"Follow me." Yosano gestured for me to follow her, "We'll get you some new clothes."

~Time Skip~
"So..those are buildings?"


"That demonic box is a car?"


"And this is a sidewalk?"

"Correct." Yosano walked beside me on the sidewalk.

"And the green box I used to live by was called a dumpster?"

"Correct again."

I looked at the buildings.

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