Chapter 12

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~Time Skip~
I walked inside Kunikida's apartment, I was surprised.

His apartment is so clean..

"Have you had dinner?" He looked at me, "If not, I can prepare something that can go easy on your stomach."

"...I haven't ate any dinner."

"Okay. I'll make something."

~Time Skip~
I stared at the food in front of me. "What..what is this?"


"Hurry for what?"

"No, Curry."


"Well, eat some."

I grabbed the spoon and slipped some of it through my mask.

I was surprised by how good it was. I ate more.

He looks surprised, "You are quite the eater."

I looked at him with my face stuffed. He couldn't see my stuffed cheeks due to my mask, "Hm?"

"Oh, nothing."

I swallowed the food in my mouth, "It burns my tongue...but it tastes so good." I looked at my food before looking at him, "How did you make this?"

"Well, I cooked it."


"Yes, cooking is an art. It's what allows us to make the finest food and-"

"Can you show me?!" I asked, smiling.

"O-oh. Sure."

~Time Skip~
"Now, flip the omelet over." He instructed me.

"Woah.." I stared at the food in the pan. "Can I eat it?"

"Whenever you finish. If it's raw, you could get sick."

"I am sick."

"Well, sicker than usual. The omelet looks done. You gently take it by your spatula and set it on the plate."

"Okay!" I picked the omelet up as he said. It slipped off the spatula and fell on the floor with a splat.

I stared at it, horrified.

He just looked down at it, "It's fine, you can-"


"It's food, you didn't kill it!"

~Time Skip~
He eventually calmed me down and taught me the five second rule. I was relieved. I was eating the omelet at the table, smiling underneath my mask.

He glanced at me, "How did you not know what cooking was?"

I looked at him, "Because, I never have seen anyone cook before."

"Why's that?"

"...I don't know." I looked down, "All I ate was Ramskum growing up. It was gross. Now, I have this food, and I like it. It tastes good and looks good." I looked over at him.

"How did you grow up anyway?"

"..Probably not the way you did."

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