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"The court is a mess," Sebastian commented after he sat on the chair. "Now, the court have a biggest enemy and that is the founder of the organization."

"This is really a mess," James shook his head while he didn't left his eyes on his laptop. "Your parents got kicked out from the court-"

"They didn't do something-"

"You're busy taking care of Race that's why you didn't know what happened these past few days." Rile cut him off. "There are rumors that your parents stole millions from the organization-"

"Rumors, that's not true-"

"-you asked us to investigate this dilemma after you quit from your job and we found out that the court stole the money that is from the Underground."

Atlas brow furrowed. "I didn't understand,"

Sebastian sighed. "In a simple word, the court stole a millions and your parents-they run and hide. They are nowhere to be found."

"Why would they stole a millions when we have a lot of underground transactions from other country, specially Russia is our biggest buyer and solid partner."

"Indeed," Sebastian sighed. "But after you left, your mother started to stole money. They didn't send it to the Underground. They stole it. The Underground already knew that the painting we retrieved is just an imitation and it is fake. The founders and the councils from the Underground was mad at us, to our court, specially to your mother and father."

Fucking fuck. Atlas massaged his temple when he felt it throbbed when he heard this information.

It happened days ago when a news comes to him that his parents is nowhere to be found. He often went to his house to checked if his parents already there, but nothing. He didn't saw his parent, also his siblings. They all left.

Atlas asked James to locate where his family is, but he cannot locate where they are. It's hard to locate his parents and Atlas thought that they really planned this all.

The other day the councils from the court left. They quit and they hide because according to them, the Underground won't let this slipped, they will do something.

Coward. They are coward.

There's no one left in the court-only Sebastian and James only, since Rile is just his personal doctor. He's not part of the court but he often join to a meeting.

And now, another news broke. His parents stole a millions from the Underground and they happened to knew that the painting they retrieved was just a fake one.

"Let's prepare for the coming war," Rile whispered. "It happened so many times that your parents stole money from the Underground. Now, the Underground already knew about this-we all doomed."

EXCHANGE OF HEARTS [BL]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon