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“I'm so sorry, I cannot take that,” Race said politely.

Timothy smiled. “But you are eligible for president position for student council president.”

Race laughed a bit, shook his head and said. “Yeah, thanks,” he added immediately. “Yet, I don't have a leadership. I can't take that position.”

Timothy pouted. “Don't worry, Race. I know that you are a good leader. You can lead the students.”

Timothy is such a handsome guy. He's a fourth year Engineering student and he's bugging Race for almost a weeks because he wants Race to run for a Student Council President next election. But, Race didn't change his answer every time Timothy asked him.

“No,” that's what he always said.

Always ‘NO’.

“Aside that I not eligible to run for a president position, I can't lead the students, Timothy. Perhaps, you should search for someone who is really suit for that position,” Race shrugged and he smiled so boyish. “Thank you for considering me anyway.”

Timothy stared at him for a moment and then sighed. “If that's your decision, then I will stop bugging you,” he scratched his head and look away. “Maybe you are right, I should search for someone.” He sighed again as he looked back at Race. “But, If you have an exchange of mind, you can call me, okay? Don't be timid if you want to hit me, if you already change your mind.”

Race watched Timothy as he searched his phone in his bag. Timothy shouldered his bag after he found his phone and then he faced his screen towards Race.

“Here, this is my phone number,”

Race stared on screen for a moment and he looked up and he catches Timothy's eyes.

“No need, Tim—”

“Give me your phone,” without Race's consent, Timothy grabbed his phone and he typed his phone number. After Timothy type his number, Timothy gave his phone back to him. “There, you can call or text me anytime if you want, Race.” Timothy smiled so widely.

Race shoved his phone back to his pocket. “Don't you have a class?” He asked, lifting his brow.

“Oh, shit! I forgot! I have a meeting today with the council!”

“Oh, see you around then.” Race waved and started to walked away and he suddenly stopped when someone grabbed his wrist and when he looked back, he saw Timothy.

He cocked his brow. “Do you need something?”

Timothy shook his head. “I'm heading that way too,” he said pointing his finger.

“I thought you have a meeting.”

“Oh, yes, but I need to fetch my girlfriend first.”

And they walked together in silent.

Race on the other hand, he's looking for Atlas. He can't remain still because he knew that once Atlas caught him with others his boyfriend will get jealous. But, he didn't do anything, he didn't flirt with someone, so there's nothing to worry about.

It's just, he doesn't like it when he saw Atlas's jealous face. Race didn't want Atlas feel jealousy, he didn't want Atlas to feel unloved or perhaps to question his worth. Race doesn't like it.

Timothy showed up last week because he wanted Race to run for a president. Race didn't know why Timothy knew him, he's not well-known in this school (that's what Race believed). Yet, he doesn't have a heart for that position. Race didn't think even once to accept that invitation.

“See you around, Race,” Race dragged back from his reverie and he blinked at Timothy. “Just keep in mind that you can call me anytime. Even if it's not about the election, but you can call me if you need something. I am your kuya, so maybe I can help you in some other thing.” Timothy added. “Especially, when you need an advice from your kuya about relationship.” He winked at Race before he started walking on the other way.

Race didn't wait Timothy to disappear in his sight, so he turned his back and started to walk, but he stopped when he spotted someone from the distance.

It's Atlas—watching him. He's wearing a school uniform, he shouldered the one strap of his bag, leaning on the tree, he got a messy hair and he wore a reading glass.

Race took a deep breathe as he study Atlas from where he stood.

“Damn, hot.” He whispered and started walked toward his grumpy boyfriend.

Race already sense that Atlas was mad or perhaps he's being jealous again. It's inevitably that Atlas saw everything, that is why Race felt someone's staring at him earlier, but he choose to ignored it.

“He's bugging you again for that president position?” Atlas said when he get closer.


Atlas cocked his brow and tilted his head. “Why is that? Is he not satisfied to your decision?”

Yup, he's angry. He's jealous.

He's damn cute.

“I made him understand why I don't want to run for that position,” Race stared at Atlas's eyes and he didn't break his stares. “Are you watching for the whole time?” He added.

Atlas tsked and he grabbed Race's wrist. “I wanted to wait you, so we can leave together, but I saw you two talking and you are smiling at him like you really love talking with him.”

Race didn't know if he wanted to laugh or to be mad Atlas.

He wanted to be mad because Atlas watched him all the time like a stalker and it makes him creep, yet it makes Race laugh too because he thought that Atlas is cute when he's jealous.

Race remain calm as he said. “Did you know that it is creepy when you are watching me like an obsess stalker?” He cocked his brow as he let Atlas take him whenever he wants.

Atlas looked back at him with sour face. “I really hate seeing you with someone, especially when I sense that that Timothy felt something to you. Do you want me to stand beside you while you are talking to that boy? If you only know that I want to grabbed his lips because he was smiling at you all the time, so as much as possible I can't stand near that boy since I don't want to cause a trouble.”

Race stared Atlas's back. This last few days he always noticed that Atlas was on his mood. He's always mad and his brows always met like he's mad at everything he sees.

“You still can approach me even though I am talking with someone, especially when you feel jealousy. I will let you hear what we are talking about, so you will not overthinking about something.”

“Tss, if you knew that I want to claim you in front of the people who talk to you,” Atlas whispered, yet Race still heard him.

“You can claim, Atlas. I am your boyfriend anyway.”  

Atlas stopped and Race continued walking, he leave Atlas stunned and he never dare to looked back.

“Sometimes you are mean to me, sometimes you are sweet,” Atlas walked beside him.

“You should be thankful that I am have a sweetness inside me.” He retorted.

“Let's go, let's eat somewhere and forget about that boy,” Atlas grabbed him and they went to their favorite restaurant.

                         * * *

Next day, he received an unknown message and it said: hey! What's up?

Race didn't bothered to reply since he didn't know who sent him a message, perhaps it was just a mistake, so he chose to ignored it instead.

While he's taking a rest under the shadow of a tree, his phone beeped.

He got another message, but this time it was from Atlas asking where he is.

Race replied: why?

Atlas: I want to see you, baby.

Race: seriously? We already met earlier.

Atlas: don't be mean! It is bad to feel that I badly wanted to see my boyfriend because he is my sunshine and my energizer.

Race can't help but rolled his eyes and he typed a reply.

Race: cheesy.

Atlas: at least I make you flutter *wink emoji*

Race: dream on

Atlas: babeeee! Tell me where are you hidiiiingg!

Atlas: I miss you so mucccchh!

Such a baby. Race thought and sighed.

Race: good luck for your search and rescue operation, Sir. *salute emoji*

Race smirked and he pocket his phone. His phone vibrated, but he didn't bother to pick it up. He wanted to bully Atlas because he really love to see Atlas sulking like a kid.

He stayed there for a moment when he finally spotted Atlas approaching his way.

As he expected, Race can tell that his boyfriend is sulking like a kid. His lips pouted and he stomped hard, it's so Atlas.

“Congratulations! You made it to round two,” Race teased.

Atlas seated beside him. “You are making fun of me.”

“Oh, no. I'm not making fun of you,” Race bite inside of his cheek to suppress his smile.

Atlas rolled his eyes and he retorted. “I thought you are with that boy again.”

“Who?” Race asked.

Atlas can't help himself but rolled his eyes. “That boy. That. Boy. You knew him because he was bugging you for weeks!”

Oh. Race knew who's that boy his boyfriend pertaining to. Race leaned back to the bleacher as he watched the students walked passed by.

“You don't have to worry about him, he already stopped,”

That gave Atlas a relieved, Race actually heard his deep breathe after he said it like.

Race felt something on his shoulder and when he looked at his shoulder he saw his boyfriend resting his head on his shoulder.

It made Race relieved.

“I'm sorry,”


“I'm always get jealous—”

“Thank God, you knew.”

Race can hear Atlas rolled his eyes. He really knew this man so much even though Race is not looking at Atlas he already knew.

Yet, there were days and moments that he can't tell what was his boyfriend's feelings. Sometimes he read Atlas wrong. There were times that he thought he didn't know his boyfriend that much.

Race knew that secrets's still there deep inside Atlas and Race wants them out, so he will know how to deal with it together with Atlas.

But he will wait.

“That's not the point,”

Race didn't spoke and waited.

“I just felt something's off with that boy,” Atlas whisperer, enough for Race to hear.

“Perhaps you felt wrong. Don't make judgements, Atlas.”

“I didn't judge him, it's the fact, you know?” Atlas looked up at him for a second before he watched the students again and Race did the same thing.

“He have a girlfriend, Atlas. You have nothing to worry about. He is committed to someone,”

“Yeah, Bridge told me.”

Race sighed and he rest his right part of his head on Atlas's head. So they are now leaning on each other and they didn't care to the people who is watching them. With disgust perhaps?

“I remember your bucket list,” Atlas started after a moments of silent.

“What about them?”

“What are you planning?” Atlas asked.

Race stared to no one in particular. He's thinking deeply because he just realized that he forgot about his bucket list.

“I remembered you told me that your next stop was Europe country,”

Race can't hide his smile. “You remembered.”

“Of course,” and he added. “So what's the plan? When are you going to travel?”

“I don't have any particular dates, I haven't decide yet.” Race looked down at his boyfriend and asked. “Why?”

“I wanna come with you, I got my passport back, so I can finally travel with you anytime.”

Race was caught off guard and he looked at his boyfriend.

“You just take your passport back?” He clarified.

“Yeah,” Atlas added. “My mom holds my passport and I retrieved it yesterday.”

Race was worried for Atlas. It is been a long time since Atlas told him about his family and now that he open it up, Race wanted to know Atlas's life when he was with his family. Race wanted to know if they are happy, if they go out for a picnic or perhaps to a hiking. He wanted to know if they do a barbecue party every friday night or having a movie marathon with his family.

Atlas didn't tell him anything. Race remembered that Atlas hates to mention his family. He doesn't like to talk about them and whenever Race wanted to asked about his family Atlas always nudged the topic, he always avoiding it and it made Race to wonder about what's Atlas's relationship with his family. What does it looks like.

Are they treating Atlas as their son or perhaps they are horrible parents that's why Atlas didn't want to talk about them.

This leaves Race to wonder and to worried more for Atlas.

“We can leave on your birthday,” Race suggested and it makes Atlas become stiffed.

Atlas leaned back to stared at him. “Are you fucking sure?”

“Why are you stunned? I mean it,”

“Fucking fuck! Why are you so sweet this past few days?” Atlas asked, still cannot believed.

“I'm not,”

“Oh, baby. I never thought that you have a sweet tooth!”


“Never mind! I know that we have different competencies, so i understand that you can't understand me.”

Here comes Atlas again.

“Fuck yeah!,” Atlas smiled widely and he punched the air. “It's our first time to travel together outside the country! This going to be fun.” Atlas looked so excited, he is too. Race is excited to travel with his boyfriend to his favorite countries. He can't wait.

                        * * *

Because Atlas is so excited that they are going to travel abroad, Atlas already surfed on internet to the place they will visit.

Atlas listed down all the places they will visit and they planned to take a trip for a weeks or two. Atlas always looked so excited about their trip, of course it is their first trip together as a couple and it is also Atlas's birthday, yet Race can see something in Atlas's eyes that he can't tell what is it.

He wanted to ask Atlas, but he's afraid that it will make Atlas mad or change his mood.

“Hey, Race!”

Race stopped walking and he turned to the person who shouted his name.

Timothy stopped in front of him. It's been a days since Race saw Timothy.

The guy smiled at him and wiped his forehead. “How are you?” Timothy is panting and sweating, it is look like he's been running for an hour.

“Good,” he answered and offered his water bottle.

“Gee, thanks! I really need this!” Timothy instantly drink the water. After he finished, he smiled again and said. “I've been running since this morning,” and added. “You know, president stuff.”

“I can tell that you are busy,”

“Oh, yeah. I'm a graduating students and also a president. My hands are full everyday!”

“Congrats in advance, Tim.” Race smiled.

“Thanks, Race. Even though it is exhausting, but I enjoy this,” Race watched Timothy as he drink from the bottle again, but something's Timothy did that made Race uncomfortable.

Race frown when Timothy sucked and licked the bottle and he looked like he really enjoyed it.

“It taste good!” Timothy giggled and he gazed Race for a moment before he looked away and he licked the bottle again.

Jesus, what's with this boy?

“There's a lot in the cafeteria, you can buy there,”


It makes Race uncomfortable watching Timothy almost swallowed the bottle as he licked and sucked the opening. Timothy acted weird today.

It makes Race want to go away from this boy.

“Where are you going, Race?”

Race stopped walking and he slowly turned his head to Timothy. “I need to go, I still have a class to attend,” Race remain calm even though it makes him cringe.

“Let's go together—”


Timothy tilted his head. “What?”

“Before I go to my next class, I will meet my boyfriend—”

“You have a boyfriend?” Timothy become serious.


“You're gay?”

It caught Race off guard, he take a stepped back and take a deep breathe.

“Does it matter?”

Timothy didn't replied, he kept on staring at Race and Race felt the hair on the back of his neck stood. After a moment passed, Timothy's lips slowly formed into a smile.

“Oh-hoo! You're gay!” He said with enthusiasm.

Some looked at their way, but Race ignored them.

“What are you trying to say—”

“Damn, I thought you are straight.” Timothy cuts him off.

Race frowned deeper.

“Do you have a problem with that?”

Timothy instantly hold his hands up. “No, no, no. That's not what I'm trying to say. You misunderstood me, Race.”

Race become serious, his eyes darken and he said. “What?”

“Geez! I'm glad to hear it, Race. You know, I am not a judgmental person actually I am happy that you admitted that you are gay with full on confidence like you are not ashamed of this and you are not afraid of judgments. It makes me admire you more because you that! You really amazing person and you are one of a kind! You are also cool!”

Race tilted his head and frowned. Atlas was right, there's something off in this boy that he can't tell. Timothy is weird. Race thought.

“Don't you have a class, Timothy?”

“Just call me Tim, we are friends now!” Timothy jokingly hit his shoulder. “I accept you, Race. You are you, okay? Even though you are gay, I wanted to tell you that being gay is not a problem.”

Race wanted to punch Timothy. Race regretted that he stopped when Timothy called him.

“I'm going, I'm cannot be tardy today because—”

“Let me walk you to your next class,”

Not gonna happen weirdo. Well, Race lied about his class, actually he doesn't have a class today since he finished it all. Today, he planned to meet Atlas and he can't get through because of this boy.

“No thanks. You can go now, Timothy. I know your hands are full and I am not going to be alone since I will meet my boyfriend later.”

Timothy face change suddenly and he looked so irritated.

“Fine!” He exclaimed. “I'll gotta go, I have some errands to run.”

Race finally can breath peacefully.

“Sure.” Race said and walked away.

Damn. Weirdo.

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