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Timothy becomes more weirder everyday. Race always spotted Timothy rounding near his class, Race didn't know if Timothy already memorize his schedule because whenever Race will go to his next class, he always spotted Timothy.

It makes him feel goosebumps seeing that guy around. There's really something off with that guy. Race chose to avoid that guy since he doesn't want to have an interaction with that guy. It creeps him out.

At first, Race thought that he's just social butterfly and an extrovert guy, nonetheless after a days he changed into something creepy. Yesterday, Race received a friend request on facebook, Race often visit facebook, but yesterday someone add him and when he checked who was it—he was shocked and it creeps him more when he saw Timothy's name. And it doesn't stopped there because Timothy reacted to all his shared post and his profile, so Race deleted his profile and post yesterday.

“You ditch class?” Atlas smirked at him when he sit next to Atlas.

“I don't feel like to attend my lit class today,” he sighed and closed his eyes and Timothy flash in his mind.

Earlier, when Race was walking to his next class which is literature, he stopped suddenly when he spotted Timothy again outside his room. But, today was different. Timothy was talking to Bridgette and suddenly Bridgette pointed him and Timothy looked at him with those creepy eyes and smiled.

“What's wrong?” Atlas's voice filled his ears. It's damn comforting.

“Nothing,” he lied.

He won't tell Atlas hit gut about that guy. Perhaps he only feel that creeps, but the others didn't or perhaps he jumps into conclusion and at the end he's wrong all along.

“You wouldn't ditch your class if nothing's happened,” Atlas studies Race. “Tell me.”

There's no way in hell that Race will tell Atlas about what just happened.

The wind messed their hair as they looked at each other's eyes. Leaves chimes and they are dancing as the cold breeze of wind passed by.

At the end, Race shook his head. “I'm just tired,”

“I don't have class today, perhaps we can go to our favorite café.” Atlas suggested as he held Race's hand.

“I love their matcha latte,” Race said, relieved at the changed of topic.

He doesn't want to talk about what happened and how he is today because he's really not feeling well and he can still feel the goosebumps. Timothy's weirdness always crept into his mind like a nightmare, it his first time to encounter a guy like Timothy. Weird and creepy.

Race shook off his thought and he focus his attention to his favorite best friend.

At least Atlas is always here with him. He's safe.

                        * * *


Race shook his head and said. “Nah,”

“Why? It's a beautiful city, Race.”

“Yeah, I know. Everyone knows it, but I didn't have a plan to go there.”

Atlas puffed his hair and he scribe something again on his paper.

Atlas is suggesting which city they will visit first once they will arrive at the France—their fifth country that they will visit.

“Everyone loves Paris, so why does it listed on the fifth?” Atlas asked without looking at him.

Race sipped to his matcha latte before he replied, “there's much better than Paris. I know it's beautiful and it is called the City of Love. Nonetheless, you should know that there are best country or city aside Paris.”

“Okay, you win.” Atlas give up.

“Thank you.” Race smiled sweetly.

“Next stop is Barcelona,” Atlas looked up and waited for his word.

“It's a beautiful province in Spain.”

“I know, but why?”

“Is there's always a reason why I listed these cities and countries?” Race cocked his brows and lean over.

Atlas retreat and shook his bead. “No, boss.” And he's back  on scribing again.

Race watched Atlas list down the city that Atlas wants to visit. Of course, Atlas has a country the he wanted to visit, that's why Race let him list it all down.

It becomes noisy when some freshmen students entered the café and they are chit chatting about their day. They're laughing hard and they talk so loudly.

Race folded his arms to his chest and he watched the students buy their coffee.

Young and loud.

“Do you want to go somewhere?” Race gaze back to Atlas who's still scribing.

“Why? Do you want to go somewhere?” Race asked back.

“I wonder if you wanted to go somewhere with less noisy and somewhere without noisy people?” Atlas said without looking at him.

“Everywhere we go there's always people, Atlas,”

“We never know.”

“And what place you can recommend?”

“In my room, it just the two of us there.”

Race caught off guard but Atlas didn't notice it because he's damn serious about scribing on his book and reading some reviews online.

Jesus, this man is unpredictable.

Atlas noticed that he's silent and he looked up, tilted his head and asked. “Are you alright?”

“I'm g-good,” Race clears his throat and shook off his thought.

Atlas nodded and he's back at reading reviews again. Atlas seems like he doesn't care about them being alone in Atlas's room. Just the two of them! It didn't affect to Atlas, but why does Race can't focus? He keep on imagining something and then he gets red.

Race cover his mouth with the back of his palm and he looked away. He knows that he's red because of what he thinks and he's so embarrassed that he really think of it!

God! It doesn't look like they will do something in Atlas's room, Race! You mind! Atlas just wanted somewhere without noisy people.

Race like the idea of them being alone, but on what he's imagining today it makes him to decide immediately that being with Atlas in a quiet place is not a good idea.

“I'm good here,” he said without looking at Atlas, Race doesn't want Atlas to see him flush with scarlet.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Final and last decision.

“It's so loud here, are you fine with it?” This time, in his peripheral view he saw Atlas looked at him.

“I'm good, I'm fine here. I don't want to go somewhere quiet or in your room. I'm fine here. I'm good—”

Race stopped. Shocked. He flushed. Heat travel up to his face like a venom. He heard a squeal and gasp, but he doesn't mind it.

His heart pounding inside his ribcage. Pounding fast and loud.

Atlas smiled, he noted the shocked on Race face and he deepen the kiss.

Warm. Wet. And they are wild. Nothing could stop Atlas from kissing Race.

Atlas pulled back and he stared directly on Race eyes. Race feels like he's burning.

“Hey, don't be scared of me, okay? I will not do anything to you. We won't do it if you are not ready too.” Atlas said with his soft and gentle voice. They are still close to each other, they can smell the scent of each other.

Atlas smells like rain and coffee—Race's safe zone and his home.

Race smells like cinnamon and taste like matcha—Atlas's home.

“Do-do...what?” Race tried to avoid Atlas eyes, but Atlas held his chin.

“I know what you're thinking,” Atlas smiled. “Even if I am distance away from you. Even if I am not looking at you, but I can feel you, Race. I feel you and I know that you are nervous. I know what you are thinking.”

“No you don't,” Race retorted. “What...am I thinking?” He added eventually.

Atlas lean in, lips touching Race's earlobe and whispered, “I really and badly want to touch and feel you, Race,” hot breathe. Baritone voice. Atlas added. “I love to make love with you.”

To Race surprise, he pushed Atlas away and he averted his eyes. He can't look straight to Atlas eyes when he's like a tomato, so red.

Damn it! Why does it feels so hot here?

“I'm not thinking of that—”

“You are so important to me, Race,” Race stopped and looked at Atlas. Their eyes met and just like that, they forgot about the world. “And I want to treasure you, I want to keep you. And above that, I respect you.” Atlas smiled and planted a kiss on Race's forehead.

“But, I am waiting for that moment though.” Atlas added and winked at him before he continued scribing.

Days flies faster, the graduation is near. The school year is near to its end. Race and Atlas will become third year college next year, but before that they will travel first to the places they love. 

Everyday, Race noticed that Atlas's enthusiastic and he always keep bringing up the plans when they will landed on the places they want to go. Race actually saw the child Atlas in a young adult body. He felt like he just witnessed what was Atlas when he was a kid.

He wonder if Atlas traveled with his family way back when he was a kid, he seems so excited that they will travel in European countries it's like Atlas never travel outside the country.

“Have you already visited a country before?” Race asked, sipping on his favorite matcha latte in their favorite café shop near their school.

“Yup,” Atlas said, popping the ‘p’. He's busy with his laptop, he'a doing something because his fingers work faster and he really looked so serious and deadly handsome with his messy hair and glasses. Damn hot and sexy too (that's what Race thought while he kept on staring at Atlas).


Atlas licked his lower lip before he said, “Switzerland, Cuba, Peru, Hawaii, Turkey, Mongolia...” He looked up on the ceiling, perhaps to think and then he shrugged. “I forgot the rest.”

Race mouth parted as he stared at his so nonchalant boyfriend like it's nothing to him and he doesn't care that he travel around the world.

After a moment, after Race back to his pace his brow furrowed, narrowed his eyes at Atlas.

So why does he seems so excited like it is his first time to ride a plane? He's so excited like a child.

Race leaned on his chair, tilted his head to the other side and said. “And here I thought you never ride a plane since you looked so excited about this trip,” 

Atlas looked up and pushed his glasses up. “Baby, this is my first time to travel with you. I am excited because I am with you.”

“It's the same when you travel before—”

“No.” Atlas cut him off. “It's not the same, Race,” a pause. “Before, I traveled with my family, but I didn't enjoy since they focus on their work so we end up staying on a hotel. We only travel outside the country because my parents have a business trip and they will brought us with them, I thought it was going to be more fun and I thought I would enjoy it, but no. Nothing was enjoyable.”

Race stared longer at Atlas, he didn't break his stare. He studies Atlas, his expression and his action and he seems he didn't care at all.

Race felt sorry for Atlas because he didn't enjoy those trip. Race wonder again if Atlas really enjoy his childhood because he can see right now that Atlas didn't enjoy his childhood.

He wanted to know Atlas more. There's so much buried inside Atlas and he wanted them out and his secrets too.

“I'm excited with this too,” Race said and smiled.

“Let's make a history.” Atlas added.

“What are you doing? You look so serious,” Race nodded at the laptop.

“Oh, this?” Atlas spun the laptop so he can see what he did and he saw places and food. “I am surfing what's the best food and spot to the places we will visit.”

Race mouth half open, he's stunned to speak. He just stared at Atlas and his heart was fluttered. Warmth embraced him, it felt like something touch his heart after he heard Atlas.

He's really planning this. He's making the plan. He's excited about this.

Race smiled and smacked Atlas on the shoulder, “you're so ready, huh.”

Atlas grinned and continued what he was doing earlier. “I can't wait.”

They stayed their for a while and they talked more about their plan and Race's bucket list. Atlas asked about his bucket list but he refused to tell Atlas because he doesn't want Atlas to read them—he was ashamed to let Atlas read his bucket list. Perhaps, when they finally there at the place they want to go—he'll do his tenth list on his bucket list.

Atlas leave earlier than Race since he still have a class left, but Race remain in the café since he finished his class.

He'll wait Atlas in the café because they planned that they will go home together.

One hour passed and Race's still there, staring on his phone, scrolling down on Instagram. Watching reels and reading some quotes when he heard the door chimed and someone stepped in.

He stopped and looked at the clock, Atlas's class is not over yet, so it's not Atlas. Race shrugged and he's back to his phone again, but he felt different. Someone who just got in didn't move, he can felt it. Race didn't ear any steps that someone walk, he didn't even heard a chair.

Race felt an eyes on his back. He take a deep breathe and he kept his pace normal. He relax.

Someone is watching him.

He can felt it.

Race chose to be brave and he turn slowly to see who comes in earlier and his eyes widen, body becomes rigid and he couldn't move to where he sit due to his shocked.

“Timothy,” that comes out to his mouth.

Timothy smiled. “Hello, Race.”

                        * * *

Race remain calm even though the boy in front of him is creeping him out.

How long they sit without talking? Perhaps, 30 minutes? Race guessed.

Timothy really have a gut to sit in front of him. Race didn't failed to show how he hate Timothy's presence, but it seems like the boy didn't mind it or perhaps he didn't noticed.

Race wanted to walk away, he wanted to go, yet he can't because he'll wait Atlas there and there's no use if he'll text Atlas since Atlas left his phone.

He likes it or not, he'll stay and wait until Atlas comes back.

A little more, 2 hours is not easy, but he'll wait.

“Are you waiting for someone?”

Race jerked and he snapped his eyes to the boy in front of him who's sipping his matcha latte.

“Yeah,” he said, cutting the conversation. He doesn't want to talk with Timothy.

“Who? Your girlfriend?”


“Oh! Sorry, I forgot!”

Race furrowed his brow as he stared at Timothy.

“You're gay! That's right! You're gay, so maybe you are waiting for your boyfriend right?”

Race's eyes darken. This boy is getting into his nerves. Why does he kept on saying ‘gay’? What is he trying to prove?

“Do you have a problem with that?” Race asked, voice's hard as rock.

Timothy laughed and held up his hands. “Oh, no! I am not against in your relationship, okay?”

Race's jaw clenched as well as his fist under the table. This is the first time that he felt anger towards someone like he really wanted to break this boy.

He's fuming.

“By the way,” Race taken aback when Timothy suddenly lean in and they almost kiss.

“Fucker, stay away from me—”

Race didn't finished his word when Timothy grabbed his collar and sniffed his neck.

“You smell so nice. I love your smell,” Race's hands trembling, he cannot move. “I can smell you from afar, Race. Did you know that? I am here because I follow your scent, I know it's you because I know your scent. I love it since the day I smell you and until now I cannot forget your scent. It is so enticing like I want to bite and lick that scent off to you.”

Fucker. Fucker. Fucker.

Race's eyes becomes bloodshot. He pushed Timothy away from him and his fist was trembling, he stood and he grabbed Timothy by his collar and he narrowed his bloodshot eyes.

“Don't do that again, you creep,”

“Do what?” Timothy laughed and licked his lower lip. “I didn't do anything yet.”

Race's forehead deepened and he frowned.

“Stay away from me, Timothy—”

Timothy shook his head and said, “I cannot,” he added. “I am addicted to you, Race. It's your fault, you are so beautiful for a man that I cannot remove you from my system. I always thinking of you. Every night, every morning, when I go to shower, when I eat and when I jock off.”

The hair at the back of Race's neck stood up as he felt the goosebumps.

Race cannot take this anymore, he can't stay longer. He cannot face this creep. It makes him want to vomit.

“Creep.” Race hissed and he grabbed his things on the table and he shoulder his bag.

But before Race leave, Timothy said. “Do you know what attracts me more?” Race didn't stop, “the more you run, the more I love to chase you.” That's the last thing he heard before he finally leave and he shook off the goosebumps to his body.

Even he's walking away from the café, he can still feel the intense eyes of Timothy—watching him like a predator. Race didn't looked back as he walk towards the school. He decide, he just wait Atlas outside his room, he stay in the café with that creep.

Race started to feel unease and danger.

EXCHANGE OF HEARTS [BL]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon