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Here's the next chapter, please don't forget to leave comments 😍


"I know you. You play cricket, right?"

The smile immediately vanished from his face. He looked at others and back to her.

"Beta, he's Virat" her mom tells her.

"That's what I said maa" she stresses again.

"No, what I'm saying is he's your -"

"Maa who's baby is that? Can I see" she cuts her mom. All were dumbfounded.

"Anushka " the doctor calls. She immediately looks at him.

"What is your profession?" He asks.

"I'm an actress"

"Alright, do you know all of them ?" He asked pointing at her family.

"Yeah. My mom, dad, brother and I know him as well. He's a famous cricketer in our country. But I don't know why he's here. " she told him.

Virat clenched his jaw and started looking here and there. For the first time, he hated himself to be a cricketer. She was rubbing it on him like it's a cuss word.

"Anushka which year are you in?" Doctor asked.

"2013, why?" She asked in confusion. The doctor took a deep breath. Virat was completely left dumbstruck.

"Oh shit, I have a shoot coming up with him. Is that why you are here Virat? Where's Ritika maa?" She tried to recall.

Virat looked at her with a frown on his face and left the room. The fact that she even remembered Ritika but not him, was playing on his head. All the love , effort and time he put in had all gone to hell. He went and sat outside on the chair palming his face.

"Alright, take rest" the doctor said and called everyone outside.

"Well,  she's suffering from memory loss. Thankfully it's temporary. As you can see, she already remembers most of you. This is common after patients recover from coma . Mr. Kohli, you don't need to worry. This is not permanent. She'll get back the memories in patches, but you'll have to put some efforts to help her join the dots. Remember not to stress her, take your time and be kind. She's still recovering, so don't forget that." The doctor said before leaving.

"Doctor, Can I tell her that I'm her husband? Will she be able to accept it? Or should I wait " Virat stopped the doctor and asked.

"It's your wish. If you want, you can tell her now, maybe if she'll recollect. Or if you don't want to, you can first try to be friendly with her and then slowly let her know. By the way, she already seems impressed by you. Excuse me. " he chuckled before leaving.

Anushka POV

Maa told me I went into Coma during a surgery. But what surgery? I was all good. Oh god, my head is aching. Why can't I remember anything. Why is everything so different.

Why is the doctor white? Am I outside India or what. And if I'm not in India, what is Virat Kohli doing here. We were supposed to shoot in India. Did he come all the way to check me or he was already here? Are you dumb nushkie, why would he come all the way from India to check on you? Are you some kind of a queen.

And that too Mr. Virat Kohli, who's ego can be seen on his face itself. I simply asked him what he is doing here. For that he frowned on me and left the room without addressing anyone. Whatever it is, can't deny the fact that he's one hot guy. But he seems self obsessed about his looks and position.

A Piece Of My Heart (Ft. Virushka) 💖Where stories live. Discover now