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Hi all.. 🙏
I'm someone who keep interest in ships and maritime stuffs. That's one reason I thought of adding this chapter. I hope you'll enjoy this, as it is something new.

After 1 month..

Virat was in West Indies for the tournament and Anushka was still in Europe completing her shoot.

There was a week gap between the 3rd and 4th test match. So the team had decided to go on a cruise trip for 3 days in the Caribbean sea.

Virat was impatiently waiting for this trip. He loves the ocean and ships. And it was his idea to go on this cruise . He had packed 2 days before itself in excitement.

Next day.

It was evening and everyone boarded the cruise. All were enjoying thoroughly. Virat went out near the railing of the ship and saw the beautiful site of ocean in front of him.

The sun was setting into the horizon with all sorts of beautiful colors.
This is a site which he always wanted to see.

He loved it so much. He was feeding his curiosity and his love for the ocean. He also wished Anushka to be there with him.

He tried to call Anushka, but the network was low

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He tried to call Anushka, but the network was low. He tried several times and he could connect for once.

"Hey hottie" she said admiring him.

"Hey look at the sunset" he said showing the scenery to her.

"Wow Virat , that's breathtaking. I wish I was there with you" she said looking at the scene.

"How many times did I ask you" he said being disappointed.

"It's ok, we'll go on some other day. By the way, someone is looking hot " she said looking at him.

 By the way, someone is looking hot " she said looking at him

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"Thank you bub. Hey..the n.twrk is low he..re. I'll call you once we get back. I mi.ght not be ab..le to connect in ne..xt 2 days. Bye" he said and the call got cut.

It was night . And all of them had dinner and got into their cabins. The team decided to play hide and seek in the cruise.

"Ok I'll start" Rahul said.

A Piece Of My Heart (Ft. Virushka) 💖Where stories live. Discover now