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3rd person POV

At the North mansion



"Come in ! " Kao said with his deep tone while standing near the window and back facing the door.  He was smocking his  cigarette with dark aura surrounding him .

"Sir , Mrs.Jisoo isn't in her room . we looked everywhere and checked the CCTV but there was no sign of her going out ! " his man said while trembling in fear with his head dropped down not daring to look up .

Kao turned around and approached him with quiet but deep steps that echoed in the room . He stood right infront of his man and inhaled his cigarette .

The man clinched on his pants and trembled more fearing what to come .

" You said she isn't in her but ... The CCTV showed that she didn't come out !! Hmm ... " Kao said then put off his cigarette on the man's skin nape burning the area harshly .

The man wanted to scream but he knows very well that if he did then more pain and abuse will come so he just kept clinching his fists and looking down while biting his lower lip to suppress any painful groan from coming out !

" search around the mansion for her !! I want her alive !! "

"But sir , we already searched for her but she's no where to be seen and ... The only person who visited her today was you sir ! " The man said with visible showing pain in his tone that kao of course ignored and he just focused on his words with a raised brow .

"Me visited her ?!! ... I didn't leave my room at all just went to my usual walk in the morning then back to my room !! Are you making up story to justify you HUH ?!    " Kao yelled angrily while taking out his gun and pointing it infront his man's face while gritting his teeth angrily .

"I ...I swear sir , When you come back from your walk you went straight to her room and then you come back out again then after awhile you returned to your room ... I swear ! ... You can recap the CCTV 😨  ! " The man said while joining his hands . His legs were trembling and couldn't carry him any longer so he kneeled down .

"Show me ! But ... *griping his chin tightly * ... If you lied to me , you know what will happen to your family !  " Kao jerked his man away and kicked him harshly in his face making his nose bleed .

( I hate using violence with innocent people and taking their weakness as a weapon to slave them 🤬 ! )

Kao got the laptop and connected with the CCTV then started watching carefully while his man was still on his knees with his head down .


" Tell Lisa to be her instantly !! GO ! " Kai ordered with hie rage harsh tone making his man flinch then nodded his head then ran out of his office straight to Lisa's room .

"HOW HOW HOWWWW !!!!! .... This scumbag !! Aishhhh! ...  *smash the laptop in the floor * ... SHIT !!  " kao yelled while tagging on his hair tightly and looking like a mad person !!

Time skip

"What you means by jisoo isn't here and she ran away ?! ... And the guards are everywhere then How ?!! " Lisa asked angrily while tapping her legs on the floor because of anger and stress !!

"It doesn't matter How ?! ... We need to hurry with our plan ... I think its the time for you to show up above them !  " Kao said while resting his chin on his joined hands above his desk  . 

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