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3rd person POV

Five days went like usual for everyone . Hyunjin and Felix kept their relationship secret for now as Felix was nervous of the others's reaction . Hyunjin agreed for the sake of his baby but that doesn't mean he kept his hand for himself 🤭 . some touches there and some here and when they are all alone the touches turns into kisses .

Yesterday , Jimin caught them in the kitchen making out but he just smiled and pretended that he didn't see anything . As a punishment Felix forbidden Hyunjin from even holding his hand when they are alone or not alone !

Namjin were the same lovely covey couples but ... They have an argument lately because Namjoon broke Jin's new mirror again ! 😂 . Jin is refusing to talk to him and he even ignores his presence and gave him a silent treatment and the most horrible thing is that he sleeps with Hope from this time ...

Jin sleeping with Hopi explain why Kai is so moody and angry lately . He couldn't even peck the lips of his own husbands and sleep next to him . it was really frustrating .

Let me explain . ahem ahem ! . Jin was supposed to sleep besides of Kai Hope on the bed  as the bed can take them all but no ! ... Hopi made Kai sleep on the couch so that he can cuddle with his favorite hyung all night , not caring about his husband and every time they were alone and Kai almost about to kiss or even steal a little pecks of his husband Jin would brag in between them and take his husband away to complain about Namjoon ! . Hopi told him to understand that jin needs him now and to be patient but he can't be patient forever . He miss his husband a lot !!

Taekook became more closer like a glue really ! . From the time Jung kook knew that Taehyung is his tiger , he pampers him a lot . Sometimes , the others can see them cuddling on the couch without any caring about their curious stares . Felix and Jimin were really happy with the process between the due and even they shipped them and wished that their ship would sink !

Jisoo went back to the city three days ago as her boyfriend was really missing her and now he is in vocation himself , the couple wanted to spend it together .

About Momo they didn't hear anything from her and no one mentioned her name because they noticed how Tae gets angry when her name is mentioned ...

Mrs Min stayed with them to take care of her son yoongi with the help of PD-nim ,well the real reason was to stay with her granddaughter and spend time with Minji . Minji was really happy that her granny is staying that she whined that she wants her to sleep besides of her on her bed . Jimin disagreed but with the grumpy  and whinny Minji he let his guards down and let it be as she wants .

Yoongi stayed in his room not daring to face anyone especially with kook knowing what he did with Jimin.  He can't face Kook's eyes . The eyes which showed him respect before . He can't face the disgust and anger in it  .

Minji visited him regularly before going to her kindergarten and even after coming back . she wanted to tell him about the stranger but her mama told her not to do it and that he will tell her handsome hyung about it himself so she agreed to shut her mouth even with how hard it's for her , she did !

Yoongi is greatest time was when he was with his daughter . His favorite song became her cute giggles . His pleasant sight became her smile . He prays everyday that he can stay with her forever . He prays to have Jimin with them like a happy family !

Otherwise , Jimin was really anxious when his daughter was in yoongi's room . he was afraid and bad thoughts filled his mind like , what if yoongi told minji that he is her Dada and she wanted to leave him alone and go with her Dada .. He tried to shrug it away but he is a mother after all and he loves his daughter a lot .

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