39 ~ D-day

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Monday morning, a dreadful day usually, but that day particularly filled Yeji with anxiety and fear of what was to come. Despite the endless support and words of comfort she received from her friends, she couldn't help but mentally be prepared for the worst while hoping for the best.

"Yeji wake up!" Her mom yelled from the living room.

"I'm up mom!" She replied back as loudly.

Look as confident as you can. It's only when you look weak, will they will dare to bully you.

She remembered Ryujin's words as she put on her eyeliner. She would normally go for a minimalistic look but this time she decided to make her eyes more prominent. Her feline monolid eyes were her prettiest feature despite being one of her biggest insecurities.

"How do I look?" She nervously asked Bangchan who had volunteered to come pick her up.

"Amazing!" He flashed his dimples while giving her a thumbs up. "I see you let your hair down."

"Yeah..." She awkwardly touched her hair with a giggle. "I guess I'm trying to look cool?"

"You look pretty." He said after sensing her uncertainty.

"Thanks." She felt a little relieved at his compliment.

"Now that I think of it, there's a lot that am thankful to you for." Yeji muses and speaks after a long pause as she stares ahead. "You always help me with studies, I talk to you about my manga collections, you paid for me whenever we went out and now... this mess."

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this." She turns to him and genuinely apologises. "If you are uncomfortable, we don't have to do it."

Bangchan was silent as he parked his car. When he was done, he turned to her, "Remember what I told you last time..."

She nodded once firmly.

"Whenever you need me, I'm always here." He assured. "Also I'm really glad that we are friends. So don't thank me for doing obvious things."

"Let's go now, we are getting late." Yeji was a bit stunned, a little doubt creeping in her mind.

"What if..."


Right outside the school gate awaited Yeji's little clique that had members missing. Ryujin had her arm wrapped around Changbin's neck as she violently smacked his head. There's only one reason as to why he ended up in that state, and it was his umpteenth attempt at trying to rizz Ryujin up. Felix was smiling at the two of them while Han was simply wondering why he had to come so early.

"Why are you all waiting here?" Yeji asked immediately after hugging Ryujin.

"Waiting for you, obviously." Changbin pointed at her.

"You look so..." Ryujin didn't know how to describe the sudden shift of aura in Yeji. "Very different. In a good way. Like very pretty but not in the usual way."

"It's the hair." Han pointed out as if he was the only one to notice. "The first time I saw Chaerry in a bun, I literally ascended to heaven. Like there was no way she was real. She literally looked surreal. I kid you not---"

"Shut up bro! You were sleepy just a minute ago and here you go again yapping about your gf. Are you trying to show off that you have a girlfriend?" Changbin speaks at the speed of light while his palm covered Han's mouth to prevent interruption.

"What if I am?" Han removed Changbin's hand before replying sassily.

"Stop guys. It's morning." Finally, Felix gently interceded before hell broke loose.

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