35 ~ haunting past

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Schools were to open the following week which worried not only Yeji's mom but all her friends. Since that night of the party, she only came out of her room to use the washroom.

It had been 3 days since then, and yet she refused to eat proper food or talk to anyone.

"Yeji, please eat something! Mhm." Her mother desperately tried knocking on her door all in vain. Yeji laid on her bed, facing the ceiling as pessimistic thoughts fed on her vulnerable state. One after another, all reminding her of the days she was bullied falsely.

It all happened two and half years prior to this. Yeji was almost always invisible in the crowd of students and only had one friend, Choi Jisoo. It wasn't her introverted nature nor a reluctance to making friends which caused this but her strict mother who never allowed her to hangout with friends. Having a boyfriend was just out of question hence she never bothered to even have a crush or mingle with boys.

As a member of the dance club of their school whose president was Choi Yeonjun, Yeji was almost always one of the backup dancers and never really got to center any performance despite being extremely talented at the craft and won several awards from participating in competitions. Of course it would have made her elated to be given the opportunity to get the spotlight but she was happy so long as she got to dance. Another perk of being apart of the club was that she could use the practice room anytime she wanted.

She and Yeonjun never truly interacted until he started dating Lia. Then came his favoritism towards her. From being extra caring towards her to giving her parts that would make her shine, Yeji always felt uneasy about his sudden interest and the looks other girls in the team gave her as if she wasnt deserving enough. It was Choi Yeonjun after all.

"Yeji! I have news to share." Lia told her excitedly one night. "We are moving to Canada."

Yeji felt dejected and thoughts of how she would be left all alone made her unable to be happy for her friend. "When?"

"Next month."

"What about your boyfriend? You only started dating." Yeji asked.

"I have been thinking of breaking up with him." With a sigh that showed how fed up she was, Lia began explaining. "He's constantly flirting with every girl, I don't even know if he realises I see him. I can't take it anymore."

So I wasn't imagining it. The suspicious hand placements, the occasional winks he gave her, the sweet nothings and promises, Yeji thought she was overthinking it but Yeonjun was indeed flirting with her.

"I was low-key scared of rejecting him when he asked me out because of all the rumors I heard of him, but now I have an excuse, I can break up with him." Lia said with a smile of relief.

"What rumors?"

"He hates it when a girl rejects him especially if it's a public proposal. One time a girl rejected him and he made sure she transferred the following week."

Yeji was now getting frightened and worried.

That same week she found out about her father's cheating and she confronted her mother about it. Too many things were happening at the same time, Lia leaving, Yeonjun's mess, and now her parents separation.

"For me?" Yeji looked at her mother in disbelief as she said that she only continued to stay in the relationship with her dad because of her. "What more things are you going to blame me for? Your failed career and now your failed marriage?" Frustration took the better part of her and she spew whatever came to her mind. "I'm sorry but I don't need you to do anything for me! Just let me live my life. Let me breathe!" She slammed the door to her room before crying herself to sleep.

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