20 ~ Why not me

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Settling things immediately before they got out of hand was what Hyunjin had planned to do. He wasn't entirely sure who was sending the letters to Yeji but he had a gist of who might be behind it. So he immediately got into action the following day by approaching and confronting Somi.

Yeji had yet again received another letter that Thursday morning.

Choi Yeonjun... does that name ring a bell?

At this point, she was certain they knew about the rumor. She was scared, truth be told, nevertheless, she decided to trust Hyunjin. He did tell her he would take care of it after all.

"Jeon Somi!" Hyunjin called somi who was already halfway through the gym hall on her way out. PE class had just ended and it was break time. "Let's talk." He said when she turned back. She slightly grinned contrasting his own dark expression.

"Ah you two! Since everyone's already gone, why don't you help me put these sports equipments back in to the store room... okay?" The teacher smiled as he patted Hyunjin's arm. "I have a meeting in a minute, see you kids!" He jogged out cheerfully.

"Why are you doing this again?" Hyunjin broke the awkward silence.

Somi looked up at him after placing back the rackets she was carrying into the in-built store room in the gym hall.

"Doing what?" She asked clueless.

"Didn't you have enough with bullying Ryujin?" Hyunjin threw the basketball he was holding enraged.

They were walking back and forth the gym hall to return the equipments however now they were standing right outside the store room door.

The ball bounced up and down, echoing for a few seconds before it trailed off to lay at a corner.

"What do you want from Yeji?" He moved closer to her. He wasn't that taller than her but he still had to look down to lock eyes with her.

"What--- " She stuttered.

"What's the letters about?" Hyunjin clarified.

"Oh." Jeon Somi thought silently before moving back and sitting on the bench on the side.

"Did you know that Yeji didn't transfer to our school because of her parents work but because she got busted for two timing?" Somi crossed her leg above the other. She admired her freshly manicured nails as she spoke.

She then turned to read his expression.

"What do you mean?" Hyunjin asked confused.

"That's what I have been trying to protect you from, Hyunjin... " She brought up her hand to caress his arm which he immediately stopped.

"She's going to play with your feelings all that while fucking someone else behind your back." After seeing his expression turning bitter, Somi took the opportunity to rub salt onto the wound she had just created.

"I don't plan on exposing her, just threatening her to protect you... "

"I didn't ask you to protect me Jeon Somi." Hyunjin took a seat beside her. "Listen to me carefully, if you do anything to Yeji, then I swear I will forget to consider any history between us."

"History?" Somi sneered. "The history where you chose to ignore my feelings and date that homewrecker instead??"

"Somi... " His voice softened. "Ryujin is not a homewrecker."

In the said history, both Hyunjin and Somi were best friends. A friendship born through family ties. Then came Ryujin into their lives. Somi first became friends with Ryujin and she later introduced the two.

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