11 ~ Study Sesh

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"That's all for today's class! Your midterm exams is next week. Don't slack off everyone or else... you will be spending your whole break in school." The teacher hit his file on his table in warning manner before he left.

"Ah. What do I do Ryujinie?" Yeji turned to cry to Ryujin immediately after the teacher left. Yeji joined mid semester and was yet to catch up with most of the syllabus, which worried her.

Ryujin patted Yeji's back "We still have a week."


"How am I supposed to cover everything in a week?" Yeji cried again.

Yeji looked gloomy and could barely eat her lunch.

"Yeji, all okay?" Chan asked when he came to join their table at the cafeteria.

And as if a light bulb had appeared atop her head, Ryujin's eyes beamed with an idea.

"Worry not. Here comes your saviour!" Ryujin spoke enthusiastically and proceeded to dramatically drum the table before pointing her hands towards Bangchan. Both Yeji and Chan were surprised by her actions however Yeji was the first one to catch on to what she meant.

Once they had explained Yeji's dire situation, Bangchan willingly agreed to tutor her during the evenings.

Yeji's excitement knew no bounds. Her gloomy expression had totally dissipated into the air after being replaced by a jolly expression.

"My  house then?" Bangchan suggested. "Its quite far though. Maybe a cafe?"

"Yh yeah a Cafe would be better." Yeji was flustered.

"Cool then. I will send you the time and location." He smiled. On God, he was gonna be the death of her.

"Problem solved." Ryujin clapped.


Standing infront of her mirror, Yeji tried out different outfits from her closets. After a good half an hour, she finally decided to go for a casual look : a white tee with two red stripes on the chest reading "Gill out" and denim shorts, she let her hair loose unlike her usual ponytail style. And she was done.

"This is perfect. That pink dress is pretty but it's too much for a study session." Yeji thought to herself.


"Am I too early?" Yeji was contemplating whether she saw the time wrong. She checked again to realize that she was actually on time. She then received a text from Chan saying he would be a bit late.

She sighed and decided to go to the washroom.

Her hand reached out to twist the knob of the toilet door, but instinctively stopped upon hearing incoherent mummers.

"Is that a man's voice I hear?" Yeji tilted her head to take another look at the bathroom. It had the female symbol.

She dismissed the thought and just when she was about to push the door open, she gets dragged forward as if the door was pulling her.

She lets out a shrill and boom! She found herself in the arms of a man. Her earlier intuition was right.

She looked up to see the man, he had long hair and wore a black mask. She was close enough to him to immediately notice the mole under his eye. His smokey eyes looked oddly familiar to her but she couldn't figure out who.

"Move away from him, you slu7!" Exclaimed the girl who stood behind the guy.

Yeji immediately released herself from his grip and adjusted herself to a standing position.

"Don't follow me." The young tall man spoke in a low yet harsh tone.

Yeji found it amusing how she was caught up in a couple rift.

The rude lady soon walked out too seconds after the man.

"Damn! That was one hella of a scene." Yeji commented aloud as she stared at her reflection on the mirror.


"Yeji, here!" Bangchan called out to Yeji when he saw her, beckoning her to where he was sitting.

"Hi Bangchan." Yeji spoke in the softest tone ever.

"Hi, you are alone?" Chan asked. "Ryujin is not coming?"

Yeji thought that this was supposed to be only the two of them and she didn't know how to answer that question. Somewhere deep inside she thought she was getting ahead of herself.

"Ah yeah. Ryujin cannot make it today. She will join us tomorrow. " She quickly made up a lie. And thanks to that lie , the following study sessions she had with Bangchan were always accompanied by Ryujin, whom she had practically begged. She simply could have said it was only her who needed tutoring but her awkward self seemed to prefer to take longer routes to solve things.


"I could have sworn the woman was forcing herself on him." Yeji explained to Ryujin as she narrated the washroom incident the following day.

"But like why was he in the female's washroom? I bet they were making out."  Ryujin commented.

"Whatever they have, it's definitely not a healthy relationship! Like why was she jealous of a person she had never seen." Yeji.

"You said u knew the guy?" Ryujin asked.

"Yes, he looked really familiar but I couldn't tell because of the mask." Yeji explained.

"Enough gossiping. " Said Bangchan who returned with their drinks.

That whole week was a repetitive study sessions at the Cafe or the school library. They barely had time to do anything else. It was a sacrifice they had to make if they wanted to be in the same class the next semester.

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