9 ~ Guilt

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A week later Ryujin came back to school. She had called Yeji that day to inform her about it but she didn't pick up.

Ryujin walked into her classroom, as she laughed and walked beside Bangchan. He carried both his bag and hers. Which he handed back before heading to his class.

"Get up Hyunjin." Ryujin ordered Hyunjin who sat beside Yeji. He feigned ignorance as he bopped his head to the music he was listening to. Ryujin was left with no other option but to get physical with him. She smacked his head.

"Yah!" He winced.

"Fuck off Hyunjin!"

"But this is my place." Hyunjin rubbed the back of his head with his palm.

"Hyunjin I swea.."

"Its okay. Class is about to start. Why don't you just sit in front Ryujin." Yeji, who sat beside Hyunjin, suggested hesitantly.

Ryujin was slightly taken aback but she decided to pay heed nonetheless.

Ryujin could see a visible smirk across Somi's face as she placed her backpack next to her. She immediately plugged in her airpods to avoid hearing whatever nonsense Somi had to say.

"Did you think you could make Hyunjin fall for you with those whore tactics?" Somi spoke before Ryujin could press the play button.

"I hope you haven't forgotten what happened when you dated him." Somi was now closer to her ears.

Ryujin's face got tensed, her hands curled into a fist and just when she turned to give Somi a befitting reply, the teacher walked in.


"Ugh! Hwang Hyunjin, you are the reason my day's started out this bad." Ryujin mentally reprimanded hyunjin.
"And now he took Yeji away. How am I supposed to eat lunch?"

"Jinnie, let's go!" Bangchan interrupted her train of thoughts as he waved at her while standing at the door.

She walked up to him and immediately started ranting about Hyunjin. Bangchan simply smiled as he inquired about her injury.


Hyunjin handed Yeji a packet of strawberry milk and a bread with red bean filling. He then proceeded to join her at the stairs where she sat.

"So when do you plan to tell me?" Hyunjin stole the bread she opened and took a bite.

"What?" Yeji had no appetite so she was willing to put up with his insolence. He also helped her earlier that day.

"The reason you are avoiding Ryujin."

"But.. I.. am not." She stuttered as she tried to insert the straw in the milk.

"Oh yeah? That's why you told me to sit with you even though you know Ryujin was coming. You literally begged me to refuse to get up if she came, Yeji. Now stop lying."

"Ah. Just... " She sighed. "Its just that everytime I think about her or see her, I feel guilty."

Hyunjin give her a questioning look.

"I have feelings for Bangchan."

Hyunjin's expression was still the same. He didn't understand what her avoiding Ryujin had to do with her feelings for Bangchan. "So? That was pretty obvious by the way."

"What do you mean by so?" Yeji spoke in frustration. "I am literally having feelings for a friend's boyfriend and all you tell me is so?"

"Wait, what? Ryujin is dating that nerd? Since when?" Hyunjin almost choked on  his milk.

Yeji flinched to avoid the spills of the milk. "You didn't know?"

"That's a downgrade. She could have done way better than date a nerd whose only focus is grades." Hyunjin shook his head.

"Downgrade? I don't know who her previous ex was but Bangchan is definitely a catch. Like he is lacking nothing. And have you seen him smile?" Yejj defended him.

Hyunjin threw her a frowning disgusted look.

"What makes you think avoiding Ryujin would solve anything? Just talk it out with her. She's the only friend you have around here." Hyunjin spoke solemnly causing Yeji to genuinely ponder over his words.

"And you too. We are friends right?" A sudden realization hit Yeji. She hadn't noticed earlier but whenever she was around Hyunjin, she would let her guards down. She had nothing to fear or nothing to impress. And to her that was what friendship felt like.

"No doofus. I don't want to be a friend to you." Again, his voice soft and serious.

He pulled her ponytail before running away.

"Ugh! Just when I thought he was mature enough." Yeji thought loudly.

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