22 ~ cake cake cake

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As the time went by, Yeji began realizing just how rich Ryujin was. She wasn't one to show off nor did she ever mention it  but from her actions and preferences, it was easy to see what set her apart from Yeji. Yeji didn't grow up poor, but that one time she wanted to buy a set of nail art collection for her then hobby, she had to save for it.

The second most culture shock she had was when Ryujin had suggested to book the whole restaurant for the birthday party. It wasn't just any restaurant, a widely renowned five star restaurant, that too. The first was when she visited Ryujin's House for the first time. She still awes at the enormous size of the Shin's Luxury house every time she visits.

It was just a birthday party, for a high schooler, not a wedding. And since it was supposed to be a secret birthday party, they decided to invite only close friends of Felix. The absurdity and extravagance of it all just didn't sit right with Yeji. Which prompted her to give her suggestion.

It was Friday evening when they both went to do the booking consultation. "Don't you think it's a little too much booking a whole restaurant for a mere birthday party?" Yeji asked when they both got into the car.

"I was thinking so too. How about we invite everyone in class so it doesn't feel as empty?" Ryujin raised her index finger up in realization.

"We are going for an intimate concept. It should only be for people he's close with. I think doing at your house was a better idea."

"But that's what I said last night.... " Ryujin stared at her intimidatingly.

"Right.. right.. you did." Yeji chuckled a little remembering how half heartedly she was listening the previous night due to a certain lad occupying a very vast space of her brain.

"Well now let's just get the catering order placed and buy decorations." Ryujin concluded. "Oh actually, there's something we've got to do first."

Ryujin instructed the driver the new location she was headed to after sending a text.


"Hyunjin with Chan, you two will handle the shopping and stuff. I'll make the list. Yeji and I, will handle the decoration and prep." Ryujin explained when they were all, save for Bangchan, sat at their hangout cafe.

"Why do I have to do it with him?" Hyunjin complained. "And where the hell is he at?"

"He has extra classes. He's got grades to maintain unlike you." Yeji answered.

"You defend him one more time.... " Hyunjin pointed his fork with visible spite.

When Yeji saw Hyunjin already at the café they had arrived, she wasn't sure how to act. Slight awkwardness had made its way to her nerves, after all she had spent the whole of the previous night thinking of him, but it all soon dissipated into the thin air when the spawn of the devil acted no less than expected of him : mean and aloof.

She was thankful for it since it eased the awkwardness but it somewhat helped her reach a conclusion to her confusions.

We are just friends who bicker at the end of the day...

"And what if I do?" Yeji picked up the knife at the side of her caramel cake.

They had an intense staring competition before Ryujin decided to intervene. "OK ok guys, he said he's on his way."


Bangchan arrived and he walked straight to their regular table. The ice in the drink Ryujin ordered for him had already melted halfway, yet he drank it without a word. He had run there.

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