2~ fake friends

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It was recess time. The morning classes had gone smoothly for yeji thanks to somi. Yeji was beginning to get really fond of somi and had already built castles in the air on what kind of fun things she will be doing with somi. And she thought, she will finally have a best friend!

"Here, you can take a seat." somi tells Yeji once they reach at a big squared table placed in the middle of the cafeteria. She tentatively sits while being apprehensive of the stares she was receiving from somi's "gang". Well she should have expected somi to have such a large friendship group given her bubbly outgoing personality. Yeji could barely make an eye contact with any of them and sat silently. Her eyes were glued to the table until one of the dudes made a mocking remark on her ponytails. "Are you still in middle school for you to tie your hair like that? " the group busted into a laughter. "The US military will probably be after your arse with the amount of oil u got in your hair." Once again they were whooping with laughter. Yeji felt embarrassed and ashamed, she eyed her left side just to see somi laughing as well.

"It's just a joke Yeji. Don't be such a baby about it. " told Somi to Yeji who looked like she was on the verge of tears. "no... no it's OK I get it " she feigned a smile.

"I am probably just too sensitive " Yeji thought to herself. While looking around the hall to avoid her "new group" mocking gazes, she catches Shin Ryujin staring at her. After a few moments, Ryujin sighs and shakes her head slightly. Yeji continued staring at her.

Ryujin turned to her friend, Bangchan also known as Chris. "Give me your jacket." She demanded. He grinned and took off his black polar jacket and handed it Ryujin. His smile grew even bigger once Ryujin thanked him and Yeji could have sworn that she just witnessed the most ethereal smile. The dimples on the corner of his mouth had her keep staring.
What was she feeling???

Step 2: would she really be able to avoid getting in trouble or had she just dug her own grave by choosing to be friends with Somi?

Next chapter Will be Yeji's P.O.V
Stay tuned!

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