23 ~ Never have I ever

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Thunderous claps and cheers rented the air shortly after the cake was cut. Changbin feigned a tear, despite genuinely feeling touched, when Felix fed him the first bite of the cake he cut. It was a common practice to feed the cake to the person you liked the most, however to Felix it was more of a gratitude expression towards Changbin than it was love. Of course, he did like Changbin but he couldn't thank him enough for taking care of him when he suddenly found himself in an unfamiliar country, away from his parents and what was the norm there.

There were giggles and chatters, here and there after the cake cutting finished. They came to a consensus that they would play games first before starting to eat so everyone sat on the carpet in an uneven circle and got ready for the first game.

Yeji stood up to get everyone canned drink she was thirsty herself from eating the cake. "Anyone drinks?"

Everyone rose their hands up while some yelled, "Yes, please."

Hyunjin skittered behind her almost immediately.

Just when Bangchan began the explanation of the game, the door bell was heard ringing.

Han went to get the door upon Changbin's knudge. Han come back first in disbelief after opening the door confusing everyone else.

"Sup everyone, meet my gf... Lia." A lean pretty boy with straight bangs announced grandly with a proud grin on his lips. Everyone went mute.

Creating awkward situations was Minho's speciality but to break them was Han's unassigned duty. "Bro, u betrayed me.... " Han Jisung disrupted the defeaning silence.

"Bitch, you cheated me first... " Minho rolled his eyes at him.

"What's this? The party's over!" Minho wailed upon setting sight on the cake.

"Wait, wait.... so you came late just so you could make this whole event about you..." Seungmin asked genuinely dissapointed but not surprised in the slightest.

"Well what can I do? Born with main character energy." Minho smirked making Seungmin sigh in defeat.

"Hello everyone, my name is Lia. I look forward to know you all." The said girlfriend giggled shyly displaying her blinding eye smile.


*in the kitchen*

"What drinks do they like?" Yeji asked as she scanned through the huge fridge.

"I think coke for everyone." Hyunjin replied.

"Bangchan doesn't drink coke, I'll just get him a sprite." Yeji added.

"Again him." Hyunjin said agitated.

"Are you still into him?" Hyunjin asked seriously after taking a can of coke from the fridge. His face momentarily close to her crouched figure.

"Huh?.... uhmm.... " Yeji was taken aback by the sudden question. She didn't know how to answer or even worse she didn't know the answer.

The crackheads outside cheered loudly to welcome Lia after her introduction. Yeji thanked the heavens silently.

"Everyone's waiting. Let's go." Yeji evaded his gaze as she spoke. Her arms wrapped around to support all the cans she carried. She hastily walked to the door.

The truth was, he too didn't want her to answer him. He feared her answer.

Hyunjin immediately caught up to her and placed his can atop the ones she carried. "Carry mine too." Then he paced past her.

Yeji came back to the lounge to see everyone surrounding a certain someone. She guessed it was Minho who they had all been waiting for. Bangchan was the first to notice her and went to offer her help.

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