32 ~ failed relationships

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The spring holiday came like a soft breeze that not only melted away the snow from December but also gave Yeji a sense of clarity. Her feelings were sorted and she believed she had full control of her emotions and would not falter, not in the face of Hwang Hyunjin at least.

It was the first week of March, the four girls had finally gotten the time to do their girls night and this time it was at Ryujin's. Her house was the biggest and her room easily accommodated the four of them. And not to mention, Yeji's favourite, the home snack bar which had an unlimited supply of all her favourite snacks.

"Ah! It's been so long." Chaeryeong threw her body sluggishly on the grey sofa. Yeji came back with hands full of snacks, and Ryujin and Lia were at different refrigerators both finding something to drink. They had all just come down from Ryujin's room after changing into a satin white polka dotted navy blue pajamas.

"Hwang Yeji, that's enough snacks! We have more homemade snacks here." Ryujin shook her head worriedly but not surprised.

Lia handed Chaeryeong a canned apple juice and Yeji a canned coke. "I can eat it all!" Yeji grinned happily. She should be amply grateful for her high metabolism because the way this girl ate only made her friends concerned and jealous. Oh, and don't even get me started on how much she loved beef.

"Time for tea! Not actual tea by the way." Chaeryeong exclaimed before adding warningly and eyeing a certain someone. The last time Chaeryeong was telling them about how one of her male classmates asked her to Netflix and chill, Yeji asked why she couldn't just do it. Since then, they learnt to offer explanations.

"I know that much!" Yeji threatened with her fist and a pout causing all of them to laugh.

Placing her elbows on the round coffee table, Chaeryeong stated, "I broke up with Han." There were gasps. Yeji suddenly sat upright, pausing on biting the pizza.

"Say what again!?" Ryujin asked. Lia was the only one not surprised.

"He can be so overwhelmingly insecure to the point where its annoying. Urgh. Just because we don't go to the same school, doesn't mean I will cheat on him." Agitated, Chaeryeong managed to choke down her tears by taking a sip of the juice. "See, I clearly told him whenever someone hit on me, hoping it will put him at ease but instead it makes him more anxious. And when I decide not to tell him, he gets even more suspicious. I don't fucking know what to do anymore."

"It's ok." Yeji patted her on the back and with that Chaeryeong began weeping.

Lia was the only one who looked calm. The other two were worried and concerned. "They always break up and get back together, at least once every other month." Lia said.

"No. Not this time. I am tired of crying and getting accused of things that I am not." Chaeryeong wiped off her tears and said sternly.

"Yeah! Don't let some man take away your peace like that." Everyone awed at Yeji's wise reply. Even the sad Chaeryeong found herself smiling.

"You also got the invitation..." Yeji exclaimed when she noticed an invitation envelope to Jeon Somi's birthday on Ryujin's dresser.

"That, yeah. I assumed she sent it to all our classmates." Ryujin answered from the couch. "You didn't get one?"

"I did. In fact she came all the way to my house to invite me. It was weird." Yeji recalled.

"A Jeon family party, it must be grand! I have always wanted to go to one of these fancy parties." Lia exclaimed.

"I told her I would be attending but I dont plan on going." Yeji announced.

"I wasn't planning to go either..." Ryujin began. "But wait, if we both have invites then these two can tag along since its a plus one."

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