31. Everything is going wrong

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Aaj ki raat
Hona hai kya
Paana hai kya
Khona hai kya

Vincita Mansion, Edinburgh, Scotland

"Double Tragedy Unfolds in Market: Man Shot by Guards, Another Daggered."

The detailed narrative would unravel the sequence of events that rocked the market.

Eyewitnesses described a tense atmosphere as guards were involved in a shooting incident, resulting in one man being shot.

Simultaneously, another individual was reportedly attacked with a dagger, adding to the chaos and confusion in the market.

Authorities swiftly responded to the scene, initiating investigations into the dual tragedies that left the community in shock.

The report aims to provide a thorough account of the unfolding events, shedding light on the tragic occurrences that unfolded in the bustling market.

Both of them are dead.


Author's pov

She sits lifelessly on the bed folding her knees to her chest.

Her eyes have no more the charm they used to have.

Teo is dead.

Teo Garcio, the ex-member of the military of Spain, is now dead.

Teo Garcio, who worked under Shubhveer Singh Gill, is now dead.

Teo Garcio, who was Shubhveer's brother, more than a friend, is now dead.

Teo Garcio, who used to have fun banters with Shubhveer knowing he loves Anaya, he is now dead.

Teo Garcio, died while saving the same Anaya.

Only for the sake of the friend cum brother who had once saved him, that is Shubhveer Singh Gill.

Is now dead.

Shubhveer was in his office with the investigators interviewing him.

He is the eye-witness!

"The CCTVs show that you had a gun as well." The person said.

"Yes I had."

"Did you shoot the guy?"

"I did not" he replied.

"Would you shoot him if you had time?"


"We request you to explain the scene"

"As you might have already seen the CCTVs, the girl in the black jacket is Anaya, the guy behind her is Teo, and the guy just behind Teo is Kairav, Anaya's ex."

"Kairav attacked Anaya with a dagger and before the dagger could hit her, Teo came in between and- we all know.

Kairav was ready with even more daggers after his first one was missed and to protect Anaya, her guards shot him on spot."

Shubhveer said all the things in one go.

"How are you so sure he was going to attack Miss. Anaya?"

"He is her ex"

"But still that doesn't prove the point he was going to actually dagger her or was just scaring"

Shubh smiled.

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