Part 9. Murderous Obsession

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Darling can I be your favourite
I'll be your girl let you taste
I know what you want
You just take it


Murderous Tenderness

A note by your Author Any:-

So first of all, thank you so much to everyone for loving this story!

I woke up yesterday and saw the story is blowing up and it really made me so happy!

I began this story because I wanted an escape from my reality and then certain things happened in my real life that were so beautiful!

I felt like writing them into my book and keeping them preserved forever!

I felt I was somewhere writing my own insecurities and some people might not like it, but it turned out to be vice-versa.

Right now my real life is actually very much fucked up and I have no idea about anything. I don't want anyone near to me, I don't want to talk to anyone, I don't feel like going out of my house.

And this book is the only way I can leave out my stress.

Thank you for the love and I hope you all will keep supporting!

Much Love.
~Author Any <3

Chapter 9

Tanishqa's pov

I stood outside a huge gothic mansion.

It is so pretty.

So huge.


Is this where Aishveer lives?

Outside on the name plate, it's written in a carving, "Singhania's"

Suddenly I see Aishveer coming towards me from the others side of the gate with a beautiful smile on his face.

"Hi Nish!" He greets.

"Hi Aish!" I greet with a smile too!

The moment the guard saw him, he opened the gate.

Aish held my hand and slowly took me inside.

A huge garden.

"I hope you didn't face any problem while coming here"

"Nahi nahi! But I still don't understand why you called me here. We were supposed to go to supermarket right?"

"Haan but remember I asked for the shopping list from you. So I asked one of the helpers to bring all the stuff. I have planned something!"

"Really? What?" I ask getting curious.

"Come with me." He said with a smile.

While still holding my hand possessively he takes me inside.

There was a corridor.

He takes me inside it and then a huge staircase comes.

He takes me above and I just see the surroundings.

Everything looks so royal.

At this point all I am thinking is how much this carpet would be worth of that is spread on this staircase?

And if my sneakers are muddy and they left dirt on this carpet?!!

He steps above the stairs and I look back at my foot steps wondering if they are actually leaving back dirt behind!

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