10. Who?

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I know what you did last summer
Just lied to me there's no other
I know what you did last summer
Look me in the eyes my lover


Vincita Mansion, Edinburgh, Scotland

6.30 a.m.

As Shubh makes his way through the garden of his magnificent mansion, dressed in a stylish light blue sweatshirt, paired with dark blue jeans and trendy white Vans shoes, he exudes an irresistible charm.

His loyal guards can't help but shower him with warm wishes as he heads towards his matte black Aston Martin.

"It's still 6.30, we had decided to meet at 7 so still 30 mins are left." Shubh thought.

He looks over the apartments that he can see from his garden opposite his house.

She must be getting ready.

He thought.

Ofcourse, he is early!!

He goes towards a wired bird cage made up in his garden.

It had benches with cushions inside it.

He sits there and opens his laptop.

"No there was no sign of any harassment." He reads the headlines related to the murder case of the girl found on the cliff.

The officers said that it was not a case of any kind of sexual assault.

It was something else.

Something weird.

It seemed like the killer had personal grudges against the girl.

But the fact is that this girl used to be very quiet and never talked much with anyone.

She always helped others.

What can be the possibile reason?! He thought.

He read the news while waiting for Anaya.

7.00 a.m.

He looked for her but she didn't come.

"Maybe she's late, no worries, I can wait."

7.30 a.m.

"Maybe she's is having breakfast, no worries, I can wait."

8.15. a.m.

"Maybe she forgot?"

"Maybe she is not at home."

His mind said.

He wore his long white coat and went towards the gate of his house while some of his guards were walking behind him and the gatekeeper opened the gate for him.

He crossed the road, and went upto the floor where Anaya's penthouse was.

As Anaya's guards stood outside, keeping a watchful eye, they suddenly spotted Shubh approaching and they greeted him.

"Where is she?" He asked in his cold tone. But dangerously polite enough.

"Mam is inside." The head of the guards said.

Shubh nodded and rang the doorbell.

~no response~

He ranged the bell again.

~no response~

"Anaya!!" He shouted.

~no hint of her presence~

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