15. Fire

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Baby take my hand
I want you to be my husband
Cause you're my Iron man
And I love you 3000

Murderous Tenderness
~ anywritesanything

Chapter 3

Tanishqa's pov

After that stupid weirdo goes off my ways I quickly run after the helper lady was supposed to show me my room.

When I catch up with her she takes me to the 2nd floor of the building of the dorms and shows me a room.

"Here, this is your room. Your classes will start from tomorrow. Your roommate might be somewhere here. Be co-operative. Any kind of nuisance would not at all be tolerated!" The helper says and keeps my stuff inside the room.

I scan it quickly. Two beautiful beds with pink bedsheets, peach curtains and two cupboards along with a desk.

The first bed already had a bag pack kept on it which I assumed is my roommate's bag so I go to the other bed and finally sit on it.

Cracking my neck and knuckles I throw myself on it and close my eyes to relax.

A figure comes in-front of my eyes as soon as I close them.

A beautiful lady wearing a green saree, her hair open and laughing.

"Tanu eat food first and then we will play hide and seek" she says to a little girl who was hiding behind plants.

"Tanu you know mumma can't run right? She is not well!"

Hearing this the little girl comes forward and as soon as the lady sees the girl she hugs her and picks her up.

My thoughts were interrupted when I hear a little scream.

I open my eyes and instantly sit on my bed.

Pink Bows.

A girl with light brown hair, wearing a pink frill frock along with pink socks and shoes was standing in front of me.

From head to toe, her outfit was filled with bows.

Human version of Minnie Mouse.

That is what my brain indicated.

"Oh my god!!!" She exclaimed.

I gave her a weird questioning look.

"Who are you Miss?" She asks while coming towards me as she holds my hands in hers out of nowhere.

I stand up and give her an awkward look.

"Umm I am a student and this is my room!"

"Oh fuck no!! You are my roommate!!" She squeals and hugs me surprisingly.

"Hey hey what happened chill!"

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