14. Laptop

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You think, that you'll die without him
You know, that's a lie that you tell yourself
You fear, that you'll lay alone forever now
It ain't true, ain't true, ain't true, no


Shubhveer's pov

"Shae I am learning punjabi no doubt but I am not perfect enough to unde-"

"No worries Anaya, so what makes you come to my office?" I ask her as I go a little back and then pick up some files and sit on his chair.

"Uh- I wanted to apologise for the way I behaved yesterday."

"Okay and?" I said with an expressionless face while looking straight into her eyes.

"A-and I brought this" She said showing up a little wooden box in her hand with a hint of excitement on her face.

"I completely believe in 'not mixing' work with personal life Miss. Shekhawat."

Before she could open the box, she heard my line and stopped.

"Uhmm then when should I? I mean I invite you over! I will apologise nicely over a meal!"

I tilted his head in a psychotic way and leaned back on my chair.

"You want me to cross the road and come over to your penthouse so that you can say sorry to me?"

"Is it a bad idea?" She genuinely asked the question with a sad face but shining eyes.

Eyes that were acting as a weapon to kill me.

Softly and heavily.

Fuck. This is the worst kind of torture.

"Let's do one thing. It wasn't only you who is sorry, I crossed my line too."

No Shubh you said you would stay away from her.

You know she will be in great danger if a devil like you goes close to her.

"I invite you to dinner" I say.

Fuck you Shubh fuck you.

Her face lit up the moment I said those words.

I couldn't control myself.

I like to read her emotions.

She is just like an open book.

And I am dieing to read this book.

And then put it in my library so that no one can touch it.

"R-really?" She asks with a smile on her face along with excitement.

Shubh deny her.

You can't invite her to your personal hell Shubh.


And shutting up my inner voice I nod as I look at the way she parts a little strand of her gorgeous hair and tucks it behind her ear.

Before she could speak something and before I make another decision that I might regret later because I know I am gonna regret this the moment she leaves my office,

I say, "7:30 p.m. in the evening"

"Oh, okay" She goes back towards the door of my room but then stops.

My breathing stops as well.

She tilts her head a little and then turns back.

The moment she turns back her hair flips over and a little bit of it touches her cute chubby cheeks and her green eyes.

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