Thirty Eight: Woods Pt. 2

370 23 14

Gaia Delany

Dry heaving like a fucking cat, I stood turned in the corner with my head against the wall.

With each clamp and pull, a sobbing scream left Jerry's lips. The pain in his cry almost became unbearable and I debated actually trying to run out the door. Kane has killed every man that I've ever slept with so I knew Jerry had it coming but I don't understand the torturing. He's never tortured any of them. It was always a quick one two and that's it.

I couldn't help but count each time a nail popped off. When he got to the last one I almost thanked some God out there for ending it. I heard the heavy metal pliers fall to the floor and I sighed.

"Are you done?"

"For now. You can turn around."

I could have, but I won't. I'm afraid seeing it will do me no good. I had nothing left to puke except maybe fluids. I needed to keep something down.

"There are plenty of obvious reasons why I hate this man. I won't go into detail but I'm sure we can all agree you had it coming." I hear him laugh. "I mean come on you actually thought you'd get away with all the hurtful shit you've told me all these years? You called me crazy, Jerry. I'm not crazy."

Kane moves around, possibly going back to his table. "What's crazy is that you thought you could run away and live happily ever after with my wife. A baby will not keep Gaia still, trust me I know."

My eyes rolled so far into the back of my head you'd have thought I was one of them lil bitches from those exorcist movies. "Why do you always have to downplay everything about me? Why can't you just say something positive?!"

"You, my dear wife, don't need me to boost your ego any more than it already is. Some negativity will keep you level."

"You ever thought maybe I do what I do because of how you treat me? It's like you hate me or something."

"You do what you do because you're a cheating bitch." He laughs. I turn around ready to defend myself with no real argument in mind except made up nonsense. "You do what you do because everyone has failed you in life." Kane told me while cutting the middle of Jerry's shirt open. He yanked the shirt down from the man's mouth which gave Jerry the impression that it meant he could speak.


Kane backhanded him so hard his chair elevated sideways tilting and then reestablishing balance. "I didn't say that you could speak."

Jerry spit blood from his mouth, coughing and then offering up a tooth as well. I tried my best to not look at him but it was impossible. The queasiness returned, my stomach starting to hurt.

"You see that's the problem with you pigs, you run your mouth too fucking much." His dark eyes traveled to mine. "And you decided to not only fuck one, but get pregnant by one. I thought I taught you better than that. I thought you'd have learned your lesson on just trusting anyone years ago."

Disappointment and ridicule settles on his face. He was upset and mocking me at the same time. "What are you talking about? Jerry is no one, what do I have to fear from him?"

Wagging his finger in the air he circles his victim including Silas. "You're naïve, you let your guard down because he's some scrawny little white man who wears glasses and looks like he could teach  toddlers for a living. You wouldn't believe the damage he's done in just the span of a year."

Obsidian Hearts: IOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora