Twenty Two: Stockholm Syndrome

564 41 23

Paris Delaney

My mother was starting to become a pain in the ass.

She was a pain before but now she's just a nuisance.

"...what if I die, you wouldn't leave your own mother to die up here would you?! I'm bleeding internally, my stomach is infected, and—."

I regret giving her that phone. It's chipped and programmed, she can only make calls to two specific numbers. One to me, and one to the morgue because that's where she'll be if she didn't shut the fuck up.

"You wouldn't be bleeding if you hadn't stabbed yourself last night. And you wouldn't have an infection if you'd just take the medicine provided."

I don't know where she's getting the things to harm herself and quite frankly I don't give a shit, but to hear her complaining and beating on my damn roof at all times of the night is starting to piss me off. I'm actually tempted to drug her ass, tie her up, and leave her somewhere in the woods for the wolves to gnaw at.

Wouldn't be anything new to her anyway.

A few soft taps came to my window forcing my attention away from birdbrain. She was still going even when I clicked the end call button.

Unlocking the car door Sable ran to the other side and slid into the passenger seat. A small smile pulled at her lips. "Hey."

Reaching over her I pulled her seatbelt across her chest. "You're late."

"It took some convincing. I had to dodge a million and one questions, my dad is pretty overprotective... I'm here though."

I shrugged and put the car in drive. "Semantics." Able giggles despite what I've said. She does that a lot— brush off the fact that I'm a rude fuck. I know I am but it's literally impossible for me to be anything else. "Did you eat?"

"I did. My dad's wife cooked dinner, she's an amazing cook."

My eyebrows furrow. "Your father is married?"

"Surprise me too. I didn't even know he was dating again, let alone married!" She said, abruptly placing her hand on my thigh. My eyes leave the road for a split second to look at her. "I didn't realize until recently the amount of people who've been lying to me!"

My eyes move to the hand still touching me. She notices and smiles nervously before removing it. "Sorry, I get really touchy when I'm comfortable with people. My best friend used to hate it when we first met, I think she wanted to beat me up the first couple of times."

"It's... fine." My jaw tightened feeling this awful feeling in my chest that I get whenever she touches me. It's like I'm having a stroke and my heart is being squeezed all in one.

"Well, I think he's still feeling guilty about not telling me which is why he let me leave. He looked kinda sad when I left though..."

Sable talked. She talked my head off, which was oddly okay with me. I didn't feel even an ounce of irritation when she started to ramble on about her day. I actually wanted to hear everything, her problems, her feelings, if she simply had a good day.

For everyone's sake, they better hope to fuck she had a good day.


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