Thirty: Interrogated

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Sable Rae

Pulling open the door to Mom and Pop's ice cream shop I walked in. The bright lights strained my already puffy eyes, making me squint.

Walking up to the counter the woman behind it looks up from her phone boredom laced in her expression. She sighs, "what can I get you?"

Sniffling, I tugged my jacket closer to my body, still feeling the chills from my cold. "Triple chocolate chip scoop." I told her my voice more quiet than normal.

She rings me up before pulling on a pair of gloves. Sliding open the freezer, I watched as she scooped my ice cream in a bowl before moving onto toppings— drizzling a considerable amount of chocolate syrup on top. I pull a ten dollar bill from the pocket of my jeans and hand it to her as she hands me my cup. "Thank you, you can keep the change."

"Are you okay?" She asks me, pulling the receipt from the cash register. "You don't look so good."

Considering the fact that I'm basically a snot machine, and I look homeless I don't question her for asking. I just tell her I'm fine even though it's clear that I'm lying. She doesn't pry, we're strangers anyways. I take my ice cream to one of the back booths and slide all the way to the window.

Pulling my hood over my head I yawn, sleepy from today's exhausting activities. After practice I passed out in the back seat of the car and if it weren't for Otto I'd still be there. When I woke up in my bed it was eight at night and I was still covered in sweat. I took a warm bath thinking the steam would clear up my sinuses but to no avail I'm still germy and disgusting.

As I tried to will myself back to sleep I couldn't. My mother and Archer decided they wanted to scream the house down at each other for the past hour, I'm not even sure she saw me leave.

I took off walking with no destination in mind. Me coming here was completely random— I didn't even want any ice cream. I stuck the spoon in the sweet treat, pulling it out and sticking it in my mouth.

I lost my taste the other night, eating this was pointless.

Pushing the cup away from me I sigh leaning my head against the back of the booth. I forgot my phone underneath my pillow so if Paris tried contacting me I wouldn't know. Hopefully he's busy at the moment and isn't sneaking in through my window.

Absently my thumb rubbed at my jean clothed thigh, pressing into the name carved into my skin. Paris's personal branding.

A loud laugh sounds through the shop, making me frown. The laugh registers to me and when I look over at the counter I see Cleo. Not only Cleo but Mathias and his group of friends. The boy had his arm thrown over my best friend's shoulder as she played with his fingers.

Clotilde calms her laughing fit and she looks around the shop her brown eyes expanding once seeing me. I quickly look away, turning my attention towards the window as if I were the one who got caught doing something wrong.

I prayed to God that she wouldn't come to the table. My prayers weren't answered because not even minutes later she was sliding into the booth across from me. "Sable, hey."

I look back at her, then at the large group of rowdy teens stressing the tired lady at the counter out. "Cleo."

"What are you doing here, it's late?"

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