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Thank you so much for reading "Twisted Loyalty" The first book in what I hope to be a series of followed up book for Ana Huang's Twisted Series.

I pushed through a lot of imposter syndrome, self doubt and fear to put this story out there and I can only hope it will be worth it.

The idea to have Dahlia fall in love with Kage, came in October when I was having a HalloweenTown movie marathon with my friends and we were watching Halloween Town 2: Kalabar's revenge.

I thought, how interesting would it be to see Dahlia fall for the enemies daughter?

The bread crumbs were already there-- Thank You Ana. (Kage admitting they used to go to the bar and be each others wingman, Kage having a trip to Cuba etc) so I just unraveled it and the end result was what you got!

Again, this is a FANFICTION. There's no ill or malicious intent. All original Twisted Characters and dialogue belong to Ana Huang.

I hope you enjoyed Dahlia and Kieran's story! 💜

Follow me on TikTok & Instagram @Author.Esjean

Next up... Camila and Niko....look out for "Twisted Perfection" coming soon!

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