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The lone word fell from my lips on its own accord the moment I saw the sadness in Dahlia's eyes.
Having dinner with my former boss's beautiful and sweet daughter was not on my list of things to do today and it wasn't how I planned on ending my night, but there was no way in hell I was letting her waste another second of her time with tha douche bag she considered a date.

My blood burns in my veins as I remember what he said to his friend on the phone while he excused himself to the bathroom.

"Yeah, you should see her. She looks hot. I can't wait to get through this dinner so we can be alone." A pause. "She's gonna look so hot topless on my lap in the backseat of my car." The douche bag paused again while looking in the direction of the bathroom. "What Charissa don't know won't hurt her." He laughs at something the other person said  on the line before hanging up.

I dried my hands on a paper towel and threw it in the trash can nearby before walking over to the door, effectively blocking it.

"You mind stepping out of the way bro?" The guy said.

I narrow my gaze at the guy. He looked like your typical paper pusher. How the hell did he get Dahlia to say yes to a date?

"Here's what's going to happen," I continue as if he hasn't spoken at all. "I'm gonna let you walk of this bathroom with all of your teeth still intact and you're gonna go home and never speak to your date again." I warn him.

"And who the hell do you think you are?"

"Someone who you don't want to take their threats lightly," I replied.

"You're crazy." He tries to reach for the door and I grab his arm and twist it behind his back.

"Aah. What the fuck man!" He grunts as I slam him against the door.

"We're gonna try this again and this time listen good because I don't like repeating myself. Stay the fuck away from Dahlia Harper. If I see you as so much as sniff in her direction you'll be dead. Understand?"

"Yeah." He pants. "Whatever. Just let go of my arm." He begged.


I let his arm go and he wastes no time opening the door and scrambling out of the bathroom.
I exhale before fixing my jacket and going back to the dining hall. Dahlia still isn't back from the bathroom and I see the guy was smart enough to listen to me.


I walked over, took a seat in the chair and waited.

"Kieran? What are you doing here? Where's my date?" Dahlia demands, looking around the restaurant.

If he's smart he's on his way to transfer colleges.

"You mean the Thayer douchebag? He won't be joining you again."

Twisted Loyalty (Twisted Next Gen #1)Where stories live. Discover now