Ghost X Reader: He captured you. (18+)

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''So this is what it came to, huh?''

A deep voice. One you knew from somewhere.

You shook your head as you tried to regain control of the fog clouding your memory. How'd you get here?

A scrape of a chair as a figure sets himself down in front of you.

Your vision was blurry. But this was someone you knew, right?

Why couldn't you remember?

Your head snaps forward. Someone tugged on your collar. It was so dark. A painful twinge let you know your movement had been restricted.

Confusion swam over you as you tried to raise your arm again.

Cuffed. How convenient.

The figure snapped his fingers in front of you.

''Hey, wake up.''

You were awake. Right? You blinked a few times. The ache in your shoulder was enough evidence that you were not sleeping.

You muttered something. The man moved closer. His hand leaned on your thigh as he did.

''Say that again?''

What was it you said? Clarity began pulling on the edges of your frayed mind as the heat of his skin burned through his gloved touch.

You were wearing a dress. Why?

''Fuck's sake.''

A rustle in front of you. Then something opened, a cap twisted off, and a shot of pain surged through your arm.

You gritted your teeth and strained against your handcuffs, nearly toppling yourself over your chair.


The ringing in your ears subsided enough for you to hear your own voice. The room came into view.

A hotel room. One not too unfamiliar. Two double doors led to the balcony, left wide open. The wind billowed in the white curtains, the moon illuminating their edges as they moved.

The throbbing in your temple didn't ease.

You focused on the man in front of you. The mission.

You'd failed.

A metallic taste filled your mouth as liquid gathered. You spat on the ground, only missing his boot by an inch.

His steel gaze did not leave you.


Your eyes held the same venom as you stared up at him.

It had been quite a simple recon mission. An auction, in the middle of Italy, selling illegal contraband. Several underground kingpins were sure to attend, and KorTac knew the intel you could gather would be invaluable on getting ahead on TF141.

If you'd succeeded.

You relaxed slightly in your chair. The movement seemed to catch him off guard.

You knew who he was. KorTac required you to familiarize yourself with its greatest threats. A Lieutenant named Ghost with more bodies than any operative you'd been aware of.

And it wasn't the first time you'd crossed his path.

From the look in his eyes, he remembered you all the same.

''I believe you're meant to ask me something here, Lieutenant,'' you drawled, tilting your head as you leaned forward.

He stood by the wall. Unmoving since he had administered the adrenaline to your system.

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