Ghost X Reader: you take care of him when he comes home drunk.

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Your fingers moved quickly over the small keyboard. Face illuminated by the glow of your laptop screen, filled with long, boring pages.

You glanced at the time as you let out a long sigh. You could have finished this debrief up way earlier, but procrastination got a hold of you and here you were, typing away at three in the morning.

Picking up your phone for a second, you noticed a missed call from Captain Price.

You frowned. The boys had left hours ago to a bar close to the base you were stationed in. After two long weeks of recon, a night out was well deserved.

You tapped on your desk anxiously, worried something might have happened. Then, you pressed 'call back'.

The phone rang, then once again, until Price's voice sounded through your phone's speakers.

''Hey, Y/N. Sorry, love, did I wake you up?''

You leaned back in your desk chair, knees pulled up to your chest. ''No, not at all. Was busy finishing up that report. What happened?''

An array of loud male voices in the background, as well as a buzzing indicating they were all crammed in Price's jeep.

''You shouldn't be on the phone while driving, Captain,'' you continued after a beat.

Price laughed. ''I know, I know. You can scold me in the mornin'. No, we're about to get back to the base now, and Riley's proper fuckin' drunk. Might need your help here in a bit.''

You let out a breath. ''Yeah, sure. I'll be out in a minute.''

''Thanks, Y/N. You're an angel.''

A playful scoff as you disconnected the call, taking a moment to stretch your arms above you before getting up from your chair.

One last glance at your nearly-finished report as you saved it and shut off the laptop.

Moving over to the small locker functioning as your closet in this temporary establishment. You quickly pulled on a jumper over your tank top and laced up your boots before leaving your room and stepping into the cool autumn night.

You wrapped your arms around yourself, mentally preparing for a horrific display of vomiting that usually came with too much alc0h0l.

It didn't take long for two headlights to turn the corner, Price's jeep turning into the driveway. It came to a halt in front of you.

Due to the blinded windows in the back, all you could see was Price exiting the vehicle, and Ghost's slumped down head against the window at the passenger's side.

''Evenin','' you greeted the Captain.

He shot you an exasperated look. ''I'm very glad to see a sober face right now.''

You smiled, the commotion from the backseat of the jeep only getting louder now that they'd stopped.

''Let's get these two out first, then we'll get Ghost together. The other two can still walk- well, sort of.''

You didn't suppress a chuckle as you pulled open the door, revealing Gaz and Soap engaged in a hectic fight.

''Alright, playtime's over boys. Get out and to your barracks.''

Gaz sent you a cheeky smile as he stepped out of the vehicle.

''Yes, ma'am.''

You rolled your eyes and watched as he staggered over to the barracks, nearly toppling over once if it hadn't been for Price catching him just in time.

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