Ghost X Reader: Ghost recovers you, an HVI FULL

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Gunfire, littered through the lower floor of your office. Stacks of paper flying through the room as your coworkers fled through the space, trying desperately to hide.

You sat underneath your desk, knees pulled up to your chest as the mahogany provided the only cover you had for stray bullets.

Your office was on the top floor, giving you plenty of time to sit, anxiously, before they would reach it.

You clamped a hand over your mouth to quiet your panicked breathing. Working for the military in such a high position came with risks, you knew this.

Movement, from the stairwell. You pressed yourself up against the side of your desk, praying to a god you'd never believed in that they would make it quick.

''Soap, get these civilians out, Gaz, on me. She's gotta be in here somewhere.''

The deep voice sounded close. Just beyond your opened office door. Heavy footsteps followed, down the hall and into various adjoining offices.

''Got her name here, Captain.''

A second voice, just as deep, though heavily laced with a British accent.

A silence, tense, but short. ''Y/N L/N. That's the one. Check the office.''

You cradled your handgun closer to your chest as footsteps neared, the sound of gunfire still clear as day below your feet, urging you on to act.

''Don't move. Don't fucking move,'' your voice shook as you raised your gun, aimed for the large man standing adjacent to your desk.

Your knees burned from the strain as you sat uncomfortably, arms shaking from holding up the gun, the man's face obscured by the top of the desk.

The man kneeled in front of you. You moved backwards in shock, your back pressing against the closed back part of the desk.

A mask obscured his features, a skull staring back at you as he titled his head to the side.

''Easy there, princess. We're here to get you out.''

Amusement in his eyes at the gun you held, not the least bit intimidated as he shifted on his feet.

You had yet to regain your breathing as you met his eyes. Intense, dark eyes, standing out clear against the contrasting skull.

"Who are you?'' you frowned, one hand releasing the gun to pull down your hitched up pencil skirt.

''I'm the one bloody savin' your arse, now get up from there and come with.''

You swallowed at his rude attitude. This wasn't how you were used to being spoken to. A repetition of gunfire a couple floors beneath you spurred you into motion, crawling out from under the desk.

The light coming from the large, ceiling to floor window illuminated the dust floating around the small office space.

He held out a hand, you hesitated a moment before taking it and letting him help you to your feet. As you stood, you stumbled towards him, hands finding his tactical vest to steady yourself.

Even with your pumps, he was much taller than you, his intense dark eyes looking down at you as his hands grabbed your shoulders to steady you.

His eyes lingered on yours only for a moment, before he shifted his attention to his radio.

''HVI secured, Price. Headed your way.''

He glanced down at your shoes, an exasperated sigh leaving his lips. ''Fuckin' hell.''

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