Ghost X Reader: Ghost has forgotten you

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The hospital elevator took ages to reach the floor your husband was kept on. Your heart raced, clutching the strap of your bag at your side as you tapped your foot impatiently.

After an eternity, the doors opened, revealing the dwindling white halls of the military hospital. You pushed your way through the people, making your way to the floor's reception.

''Y/N L/N,'' you told the receptionist, who quickly scoured the systems to relay your husband's room number to you.

You looked around you anxiously, a familiar face finally breaking through the crowd.

Price made his way over to you and took your arm. You desperately grabbed his hand with yours.

''Is he alive?'' you asked, pain evident in your voice.

''He's good, sweetheart. He just woke up.''

You felt a weight drop from your shoulders. Constant stress had been gripping your heart ever since you got the call from Price that your husband had gotten captured and tortured, badly so. It took a week for their forces to breach the enemy base and recover him.

''Where is he,'' you asked, already moving past Price. His grip on your hand tightened.

''Y/N, wait.''

You turned back around to face the man, taken aback as he couldn't meet your eyes. Dread settled in your stomach. Something was off.


''It ain't pretty. He's in bad shape. And, Y/N, there's somethin' else you gotta know.'' He paused, swallowing hard as he gave your hand a squeeze.

''He doesn't remember a thing. Doesn't know who I am, Soap, König, none of 'em.''

Your heart faltered. ''Does he...'' you began, emotion cutting off your voice. ''Does he remember me?''

Price gave you a solemn look. ''I don't know, kid. Listen, he's not the man he was when you last saw him. Please, look out for yourself.''

You took a deep breath, then released Price's hand. ''Can I go see him?''

Price nodded, motioning for you to follow him down the long hallway. The diamond ring on your finger caught your eye as it glinted in the harsh light.

Price stopped in front of a door, his hand faltering as he reached for the handle. He stepped away, giving you space to open the door yourself.

''This ain't my fight, sweetheart. Godspeed.''

You smiled sadly at him as he dipped his head once more and walked off.

It took a moment for you to gather enough courage to open the door. You exhaled deeply, then pushed the door open softly.

There sat the man you loved. Your breath caught in your throat at the state he was in. Bandages wrapped around most of his torso and arms, tattooed skin peeking through the few areas left bare.

His gaze stayed locked on the window, but you knew he'd noticed you come in. Your thoughts traveled back to all the times he'd eerily noticed you creeping up behind him when you brought him tea at night while he busied himself with paperwork.

Nerves bundled in your stomach as you pulled up a chair next to his bed. His gaze snapped to you as you sat down, and you felt the world crumble at your feet.

Bruises lined his beautiful features, accompanied by cuts, so many cuts, of various shapes and sizes. The thing that shook you the most, however, were his eyes.

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