Ghost X Reader: he talks you through it (18+)

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You let out a sigh as you pushed open the door to a small, rundown apartment, somewhere deep in fuck-knows-where Afghanistan.

As you entered, you held the door open for Ghost to enter after you.

He sank into the cushions of a worn leather couch as you moved towards the kitchen, a sad storage of military grade warmup meals ready to be prepared.

''You hungry?'' you asked as the Lieutenant rested his feet atop the rickety coffee table. ''Careful with that, you're gonna break it.''

A low afternoon sun found its way through the blinds, creating stripes of light on the adjacent wall. At the same time, highlighting the dust sprouting out of every corner of this place, a testament to its age.

The couch groaned as Ghost shifted his weight, reaching over to turn on the extensive equipment used for tapping the phone of your target.

The equipment was brand new, looking comically out of place next to its surroundings.

''I'm not hungry for that vile crap you're about to serve up, no.''

You rolled your eyes. ''Sure. You're gonna eat it, though.''

He grumbled something unintelligible as the equipment whirred to life. You refocused on warming up the sad excuse for a meal, trying to ignore the burn of him glancing at the back of your head every so often.

You and Ghost were tasked with closely tracking a target, residing in Afghanistan as his connections to local terrorist groups indicated a supply chain of weaponry.

A tedious progress, combined with a very awkward tension between you and your companion, made for a very tiring time away.

It didn't take long for the concoction to warm up. Stirring, you walked over to Ghost, bowls in hand.

Static erupted from the equipment, followed by a few garbled voices.

Ghost gave you a nod as you handed him his bowl. ''Cheers.''

The voices rambled on in rapidly as Ghost twisted some knobs and flicked switches to initiate the device's translating system.

''You got that?'' you asked between bites, eyeing Ghost's fumbling with an amused look in your eye.

''We're pretty much missing the whole call at this point.''

He huffed at your jab. ''Shut up and eat your food. I've got it.''

You raised an eyebrow as the conversation became clearer. The person on the other end of your target's phone call was very clearly a woman.

The translation system sprung to life, green code against a dark background before changing into words, in real time translating the words spoken over the device.

You ate your food as the conversation droned on.

''This is a personal conversation, nothing about weapons or anything related to it.''

Ghost held up his spoon to shush you. Your ears perked up as your target began to tell the woman about an important work event he was headed to the next morning.

You put your bowl down quickly, pulling out a notepad to write along.

''... down to the market. Meeting with Dark Phoenix at noon.. ''

Your hand ached as you wrote along with the translator, jutting down anything that could be important for tomorrow.

''You got all that?'' Ghost asked.

You nodded, showing him the paper. He sat back on the couch, arms lazily draped over each side of the headrest, a satisfied expression behind his balaclava.

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