Ghost X Reader: You're a waitress and you've caught Ghost's attention

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The thumping bass of the club's music reverberates through your body. You weaved through the crowd skillfully, balancing the tray you carried on one hand.

It was a busy Thursday night, bar filled with suits watching your colleagues twirl and dance on the stages.

"Y/N, table four just sat down. You got the first round of drinks?"

You gave your coworker a nod and started your way to the other end of the club.

Like always, you pretended not to notice the stares at your revealing top, flashing smiles at the men as you passed them.

You were used to it. Paying your way through your studies was hard, and working this job had proved to be a steady source of income.

Your step faltered as you approached table four. Seated were a group of terrifying looking guys.

You walked past without stopping, feeling the masked one's eyes follow you as you did.

Walking up to the bar with wide eyes, you met with your coworker manning the bar.

"What's wrong, gorgeous?" he smiled.

"Table four. You know what the deal is with those guys?"

The bartender looked over your shoulder towards the rugged men.

"My best guess is military. Heard Mohawk over there talk about getting hitched next week. They intimidating you?"

You snatched your tray back from the side of the bar.

"'Course not. Just wanted to know what their deal was."

A smirk pulled on the bartender's features, glancing one last time at table four.

"You'll be fine, Y/N. Besides, you've got a thing for tough, emotionally unavailable guys."

You feigned shock at your friend's unfortunately truthful words.

"Ha, ha. Stick to making drinks, yeah?"

You turned and made your way back to table four. Nerves bundled in your stomach, twisting it in knots.

There were five in total, the Mohawk, as the bartender had called him, who was the loudest of the group.

Then, beside him, a boy with an intoxicating smile.

Next to him, an attractive man, seemingly older than the rest, wearing a hat and sporting a very interesting mustache.

Fourth one was a Hispanic guy, a confident look in his eyes as he chatted with the rest.

And then the last one.

Most of his features were hidden by the skull patterned balaclava he wore, only showing his intense dark eyes.

His eyes found you as you approached, not engaged in the loud conversation the other men in his group were having.

"Evening, boys," you smiled, tray balanced on the side of your hip.

Their conversation halted, eyes moving to you, edging close to your cleavage. Men were all the same.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" You pulled out the device to punch in orders.

The Hispanic man leaned forward on the table, eyes taking in your form.

"That's supposed to be my line, nena."

You smirked. They'd obviously been drinking before coming here.

"Beat ya to it. So, what'll it be?"

The group gave you their orders one by one, Mohawk and the giddy guy beside him giggling all the way through.

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