König X Reader: Anything happens to her and I'll kill you

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Based on that one scene from The Walking Dead (Daryl lovers unite!!)


A low whistle pierced through the dark forest, scurrying animals leaving their crooks and escaping under the pale moonlight.

Your scope raised, you stood guard at your Colonel's six, eyes scanning the dark forest through your night vision, looking for any sign of them.

Time a slow trickle, stars scraping against the night sky.

''You sure we can trust them, Colonel?'' you asked, uncertainty lingering in your voice.

König towered over you, his own nightvision goggles obscuring the only traces of his features behind his mask. His gaze, locked on the military structure carefully hidden in the mountain pass.

He whistled again, waiting for a reply from downhill.

''We'll have to. We've got a common enemy now, Y/N. Winning this war is more important than these... personal issues.''

You clicked your tongue, the professionality your Colonel displayed a far shot from how you felt about the situation.

A third low whistle, piercing the night. This time, a reply, faintly in the distance.

''They're here.''

You raised your scope once more. Your nightvision goggles outlined four heated signals, shaped vaguely like people, approaching your location.

Rifle honed in on the middle figure, closest, and the biggest threat.

Captain John Price.

''Evening, Colonel, Sergeant. Don't you look like a terrifying bunch.''

You didn't move an inch. Price and the rest of Taskforce 141 had stopped just below the perch you and König stood on.

Price was right. Here, from this height, König looked terrifying. The red glare of his goggles reflected in the moonlight, combined with his tall form, made for a sight straight out of a nightmare.

König was the one to move first. A slow, steady hand reaching up and removing his goggles, revealing his piercing eyes.

He stepped down from the ledge, approaching the Captain. Still towering over him significantly.

Your grip on your rifle never faltered. As you aimed at Price, who held out a hand for König to shake, your eyes didn't miss the rest of the team staring you down.

Your night vision still on, a bright green outlined in the dark in the shape of a skull mask. Underneath it, two piercing eyes, spewing fire if they could.

A slight tilt of your head, a challenge. You saw the grip on his rifle tighten as his eyes narrowed.

''[Callsign],'' König's command broke you out of the staring contest.

You lowered your rifle begrudgingly, one last lingering look at the man in the skull mask, who was called Ghost according to the intel you had on TF 141.

You removed your goggles. König had shook Price's hand amicably, though you sensed a wariness about him. An unease, settling deep in his chest, leaking over to yours.

You had fought these men for so long. And here they stood, together with you, at the edge of a military base holding the only thing able to prevent a third world war from breaking out.

Price tugged on his vest, procuring a cigar which he lit swiftly. Then, his attention turned to you.

''Forgive me for assuming, ma'am, but you must be the sniper your Colonel mentioned.'' He gestured towards the large sniper rifle slung across your back, the smoke of his cigar dampening the crisp air as he moved.


Price nodded, a satisfied expression on his face. Then, he turned back to König.

''Have you scoped out this base yet? Any funky business we need to be aware of?''

You fought off the urge to chuckle at the Captain's interesting choice of words. Your fingers absentmindedly played with the straps of your rifle, eyes still tracking the other three for any suspicious movements as Price and König spoke.

''Heavily guarded. We need to get all the way inside without being spotted. They'll raise hell if they see us.''

Price's gaze landed on the outlines of the large wall standing between our teams and the base.

''Looks like we'll need to scale that.''

The Captain looked back at you, his eyes tracing the outlines of your sniper rifle. He took a long drag from his cigar, pondering, a plan forming clearly behind his thoughtful expression.

''Colonel, I've got something, if I may.''

König raised his head. The Captain's politeness so far the sole string keeping this conversation civil. It didn't take much to set the Austrian giant off.

He nodded, and Price's eyes found yours again.

''We'll need her on lookout, while we scale that wall. From a higher position, she'll be able to cover us all the way up to their front door.''

König's stance shifted, instinctively taking a step in front of you.

''I will not let her go alone.''

His voice edged, final. There was no arguing to be done here. Price raised his hands, sensing the hostility radiating off of the Colonel.

''She won't, Colonel. Ghost is going with her.''

Now you shifted on your feet, fingers instinctively reaching for your assault rifle you had only just lowered.

There was no way you were going with that man.

König looked behind him, eyes locking on yours. Wordlessly, you understood the turmoil he was going through. He didn't want to leave you. But the mission had to succeed.

''It's the only way,'' Price said carefully. ''We need cover if we want to breach that base alive.''

König's shoulders rose as he took a deep breath. Then slow, menacing steps crunching leaves under his boot as he approached Ghost, who straightened his back in response.

Four guns raised. Three aimed at König as he stuck his pistol underneath Ghost's chin, yours aimed between the three of them.

Trigger finger itching, eyes like a hawk on all three. What was your Colonel doing?

König towered over Ghost, the latter staring him down with venomous eyes.

''She gets hurt, she dies,'' König started, the threatening edge in his voice sending shivers down your spine.

''She catches a fever, she gets taken out by a Russian,'' another pause, his words ringing through the cold winter night.

''She gets hit by lightning. Anything, anything happens to her, and I'll kill you.'' 

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