Ghost X Reader: no feelings involved.

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Your room felt about twenty degrees too hot as you tossed and turned beneath the covers. The soft whirring of your fan usually sent you into a quick slumber, but this time all it did was keep you up.

You rolled over to your other side, sighing in frustration as your leg caught in the banket, effectively tangling yourself within it.

Being a Lieutenant in the military came with its perks, but inevitably, also with its downsides. One of which was you couldn't remember when you'd last had a good night's sleep.

You kicked the blanket off the bed.


Sitting up as you rubbed your temples, trying to ease the strain developing from your body's exhaustion.

For the fifth time this night, you grabbed your phone. Your brain addicted to the small rushes of dopamine as images flash before your eyes, pulling you even further from sleep's grasp.

Then, a notification popped up.

You blinked twice, trying to make sure the name above the message was actually what you thought it was.

Lieutenant Riley:


A smile crept up your features. Lieutenant Riley wasn't the easiest to get along with, to put it lightly. You stared at the small emoji in your messages, simple, effective.

You stepped out of bed. The cold concrete sending shivers down your spine as you walked over to your desk chair, pulling on some sweats and a jumper before venturing down the dark hallways of the barracks.

The flickering fluorescent illuminated your path. You crept along the hallway, making sure your footsteps didn't wake any of the other team members this late into the night.

As you reached the door leading up to the roof, you took a breath. Then, you pushed open the heavy door.

The smooth summer air engulfed you as you closed the door behind you softly.

Lieutenant Riley stood at the edge of the building's rooftop, his silhouette outlined in the bright moonlight. Above him, the plume of his cigarette, swirling around as it merged with the stars.

You wiped your palms on your sweats.

Why were you nervous? This was just a colleague.

He didn't acknowledge your approaching footsteps. You joined him, leaning your elbows on the half wall separating you and him from the edge of the building, producing your carton of cigarettes from the pocket of your jumper.

''Another one of these nights?''

You heard him chuckle at your words as your lighter clicked. Twice.

''Could say the same to you, insomniac.''

Your breath caught as he moved closer to you. His hand cupped the edge of your cigarette, the other lighting it swiftly with his own lighter.

You pretended your heart wasn't pounding out of your chest from how close he was standing.

You took a drag as the end of your cigarette lit up, letting the warm smoke settle in your lungs before exhaling slowly.

It wasn't a good habit you'd developed, but it had taken the edge off many times in the field. And, as it turned out, it was a great excuse to spend more time with a certain Lieutenant.

''Wouldn't be out here if you hadn't sent that text.''

His gaze settled on the city skyline. Face still covered, always covered, by that patterned balaclava. Now, it was lifted above his lips, revealing a small smirk as he took in your words.

''Don't get too flattered, now.''

Your turn to smirk. A drag of your cigarette as your fingers toyed with your lighter, tapping it lightly on the concrete you leaned on.

''How'd your training go today? Heard we've got some promising recruits this year,'' you said.

He tilted his head.

''I suppose. They're young, though. Got a shitload of drama that they can't seem to get over yet.''

A laugh escaped you. You remembered the early days of being in the army well, when being forced into a group of similarly aged people was always a stirring pot for feelings.

Never again.

''Have you pulled the drill sergeant on them? Reminded them that the guy holding a gun to their head out on the field doesn't give a flyin' fuck if Johnson's still fucking McCay?''

Riley's gaze flicked down to you in amusement.

''I think I've made myself quite clear, yeah. You heard about that then?''

''Wasn't much of a secret. Got recruits from my own squad yappin' about it.''

His attention refocused to the skyline, leaving you room to sneak a quick peek at his side profile, perfectly illuminated by the street light below on the road.

You knew he noticed.

''You remember these days, Y/N?''

You felt your cheeks light up. You didn't just remember, there was no way you could forget.

You took a drag.


You averted your gaze, painfully aware of his eyes on the side of your head. You remembered clear as day.

The first few months as a new recruit, serving under Lieutenant Riley. A whirlwind of a sporadic romance, cut abruptly as none of it could ever blossom into anything real.

You would never admit you would do anything for another night with him.

''You're full of shit.''

It was a long shot getting him to believe your feigned apathy. You locked your jaw, the grip your knuckles held on your near-finished cigarette tightening.

You knew what he was like. Too damaged to keep loyal to a woman, even now that you both sat at the same rank, and that air of superiority he had over you as your Lieutenant had diminished.

It would never work. Yet you never wanted anything more in your life.

You met his eyes as he glanced down at you. Tension peaked, heat flaring up your neck despite the cool summer breeze.

His voice low as he moved closer to you.

''Runnin' from the past isn't gonna do you much good, Princes.''

You narrowed your eyes as his face inched closer to yours. It felt like a challenge, but was it? There was a hint beneath his voice, an emotion hard to place.

''It was a different time, Riley. You're not gettin' to fool me again.''

He scoffed.

''Fool you? Is that what you thought this was? fuckin' hell, Y/N.''

You sucked in a breath as he planted his arm beside you on the halfwall, his tall form leaning over you as he spoke.

You tried to ignore the way your heart raced at his proximity.

''Not a day goes by where I don't think back on it, Y/N. fuck. You think I didn't wanna keep messin' around with you? I distracted you. Set you off track. And then, you got your fuckin' feelings involved.''

You bit your cheek as his words stung. Never again. Digging your nails in the palm of your hand, the cigarette long forgotten and fallen to the cold concrete.

''There are no feelings involved now, Lieutenant. I assure you. None.''

Your voice was replaced with a cold hiss even foreign to your own ears.

An emotion flashed over his eyes, before they dipped down to your lips and back up your features. A soft stroke of his thumb on your cheek.

''No feelings?''

A statement. A question? Your stomach flipped as he leaned closer.

''No feelings.''

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