Ghost X Reader: Ghost dresses up as Ghostface for Halloween (18+)

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You dragged your hands through your hair one last time after abusing it with a straightener. Tilting your head from side to side, you finally felt satisfied with your look.

A last finishing touch of your makeup before you headed out and retreated to the bedroom.

For some miraculous reason, Price had arranged for the boys to have a day off, 'coincidentally' around Halloween. The boys never let an opportunity to drink pass, and a quick Halloween party was arranged.

Your boyfriend, Simon, was seated in the living room, fully engrossed in a football match.

You slipped by him unnoticed, darting into the bedroom and once more admiring the costume you picked out. Holding the shiny fabric up to the light, you marveled at the expensive fabric. You loved Halloween, ever since you were a child.

The costume you already had, hanging in the closet along with three others, as you couldn't stop yourself from buying new ones every year. It came in handy now, as the impromptu Halloween party left little time for planning.

And because of this, your boyfriend still hasn't told you what his costume is.

A part of you was curious. Not revealing his face to anyone left little opportunities left for any costume that wasn't himself.

You pulled the stretchy material over your head, struggling slightly until the garment fit snugly to your shape.

The floor length mirror in your room did you justice, as you relished in the fact your costume still fit after a year of being in a happy relationship.

Your eye fell on the alarm clock.


A grunting noise as your boyfriend lifted himself off the couch, then footsteps as you heard him approach your shared bedroom.

''We need to leave in 15. Can you please get ready?''

His voice low as his arms snaked around your waist, his large form appearing behind you in the mirror.

''How am I supposed to leave when my girl looks this fuckin' good?''

You tilted your head back to rest on his shoulder behind you as his lips found the crook of your neck. You allowed a couple of his kisses before gently pushing him off, guiding him towards the door.

''I'm serious. You know I hate being late.''

A deep laugh rumbled in his chest as he pulled his balaclava back down, hand catching himself in the doorway before you could push him out.

One last glance over your shape, then he left you alone.

With burning cheeks you returned to the mirror.

It had taken a while for Simon to open up to you before you started dating, and you often thought back on how huge the contrast was between then and now.

Running a hand through your hair once more, you fished around your closet to pull out your matching shoes.

Adding a small purse and you were done.

You glanced at your phone. For fuck's sake.


Your voice the only sound in your now quiet apartment as you exited the bedroom, heading down the hall to look for your boyfriend.

You called his name again through the silent living room. The football game paused, the only source of light coming from the small lamp next to the couch.

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