Ghost X Reader: Ghost takes you for a late night drive (pt 1 and 2)

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You tucked your hand in the crook of your arm as the cold tingled on your fingers. You pulled another drag from your cigarette, watching the smoke as it dissipated in thin air.

You stood here often, just outside the barracks, away from all the loud chatter of the boys. Even now, in the dead of night, when all the men had gone to bed and sounds of crickets filled the air, you found yourself craving the peace and quiet.

Sleep didn't come to you easily, but tonight it didn't come to you at all. Thoughts stuck on one man, who couldn't seem to keep himself away from your subconscious.

You took another drag. Feelings for your Lieutenant had developed weeks ago, as you realized the pang in your chest at another one of his dismissals, another one of his scoldings, was rooted in more than just a fear of disappointment.

You finished off the last drag, crushing the stump underneath your boot. The door to the barracks swung open, followed by heavy footsteps.

You glanced behind you as the object of your sorrows joined you beneath the night sky.

''Evening, sir,'' you greeted.

He nodded as he lit a cigarette of his own, leaning against the same wall you stood by, pushing the standard skull balaclava above his lips.

''What's got you up at this hour?'' he asked, voice muffled by the cigarette between his lips.

You shrugged, a chilly breeze causing a shiver to travel through your spine. The cold air contrasted harshly with the flame spreading in your stomach, butterflies at the way he so casually stood beside you. You mentally crushed them into bits.

His dark eyes locked on you. ''Can't sleep, can ya?''

Your gaze met his. If only he knew how his presence twisted your insides. ''Rarely can.''

He chuckled, his finger tapping on the cig to release the ashes. Your eyes flickered down at the motion, a tad too focused on the movement of his gloved fingers.

''You've got somethin' on your mind, L/N. Best to spit it out, no?''

You took a breath. There was no way in hell you were confessing your feelings to Ghost. Price's warning rang clearly in your head. 'No time for personal business in war, recruit. Keep your feelings out of it.'

You shook your head. Ghost took the silence as a message.

''Fuckin' hell, don't talk then,'' he bristled.

If you didn't know any better you'd think he sounded offended. He flicked the stump of his cigarette away before pushing himself off the wall. The familiar sting of disappointing him flared up in your chest.

''It's not the kinda thing you talk about,'' you said.

He pondered for a moment, eyes studying your features as you fought to avoid his gaze.

"Care for a drive?"

His question caught you off guard, shifting your weight off of the wall as you shot him a questioning look.

He pulled a set of car keys from his pocket, head motioning towards a car parked just behind the barracks.

"Got up for a perimeter check, wanna come along? Not gonna do you much good stayin' out here in the cold."

Your body moved faster than your mind as you nodded your head and followed him towards the car. Every fiber of your being told you to run. This would end badly, and you knew it.

Ghost opened the door to the driver's side and waited for you to get in, his gloved fingers drumming on the steering wheel.

The vehicle roared to life. For a moment fear gripped your heart, imagining the entire 141 waking up and catching you out, in the middle of the night, going for a drive with your Lieutenant.

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