Ghost X Reader: He is protective over his daughter

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You wiped the tears burning in your eyes away with your sleeve, struggling through cutting the rest of the onion.

Simon sat at the kitchen table, leaning back in his chair with his hands resting behind his head.

"I just don't like the guy. That's all I'm sayin'. Bloke's got a weird air about him."

You swiped the diced onions off the cutting board, into the pan with the side of your knife.

"So you've said, honey."

Simon stood from his chair, moving up behind you and grabbing your waist, hugging you from behind.

As his light kisses touched your neck, you nearly missed him sneaking a taste of the meal you were preparing.

You smacked his hand away with your spoon, feeling a chuckle rumble through his chest behind you.

"Worth a try, love."

"Yeah, yeah. Set the table for us?"

He pressed another kiss to your cheek before reaching past your head, pulling out three dinner plates.

Your eyes glazed past his scarred hands, covered with tattoos that couldn't erase the memories staining his skin.

You and Simon had left the military, years ago, realizing that raising a daughter while putting your lives on the line on the regular did not match up well.

Back then, you'd never could have dreamed of how domestic Simon had become, yet you loved every second of it.

The front door slammed shut in the distance. You exchanged a glance with Simon.

Your daughter never slammed the door.

She didn't glance into the kitchen as she stormed past, yet she wasn't fast enough to hide her tear stained face.

In a second, Simon was at the doorway, watching her retreating up the stairs.

"Simon..." you started. "Hold up a minute."

His demeanor had instantly shifted once he saw her cry, muscles tense and back straight.

You moved past your husband, placing a comforting hand on his chest. Rage swirled beneath his skin, almost palpable in the air around him.

He knew it was because of  him again.

You softly walked up the stairs. Your daughter had already hid herself away in her room, soft sobs coming through the thin walls.

"Hey, baby." You knocked on her door.

Simon stood a little ways behind you, knowing his anger would take the better of him if he learned about what bothered his child.

He knew it was better to let you handle this.

The sobs didn't let up. You pushed the door open slowly, finding your daughter sat on her bed, hugging a pillow tightly to her chest.

You sat down on the bed next to her.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?"

She looked up at you through her tears. A piece of yourself broke into little bits as you saw the joy of your life's eyes filled with so much sadness.

You cupped her cheek gently, wiping away a tear.

''It was her, again, mom. I wanted to surprise him so I went over. And then-''

Her voice shook with uncontrolled sobs, burying her face in the pillow again. Behind you, you felt Simon's rage roll off of him in waves as he leaned on the wall adjacent to your daughter's bedroom door.

It hadn't been the first time your daughter's boyfriend had cheated on her, and it pissed him off to no end.

Your girl was the sweetest soul ever, and letting him go had been hard for her. She'd just been too forgiving time and time again.

''Right, I've had enough of that lad,'' you heard him bristle, before pushing himself off the wall.


''Honey, wait,'' you pressed one last kiss on your daughter's forehead before following your husband down the hall.

You knew him well enough to know he was going to end this kid's life.

''Simon,'' you tried again. He didn't listen, stalking down the hallway, towards the spare room where he kept remnants of your military past.

You grabbed his shoulder. ''Baby, c'mon.''

He turned to face you, anger shimmering in his dark eyes. His hand leaned beside your head on the doorframe, him towering over you.

''I'm dropping that guy like the piece of fuckin' shit he is, Y/N. Don't fuckin' stop me.''

Your heart skipped a beat. Simon loved his daughter more than life itself. Seeing her hurt, crying, over some guy. One that he didn't even like much at that.

It boiled inside him, taking over his senses and tainting his vision red.

Not to her. Not to his daughter.

''Be realistic, Simon. That's not what she needs right now,'' you tried again. Simon getting locked up for homicide was not going to help the situation.

He scoffed, looking away from you as he tried to contain his emotion.

''I don't give a fuck, Y/N. That's my little girl. I ain't gonna let her sit there crying over some kid that can't even treat her with basic respect.''

He pushed past you, back to your daughter's bedroom. She'd been standing in the doorway of her room, eyes wide as she looked at her dad approaching.

She'd heard him.

He stopped as he got to her door, gently wiping another tear from her face.

''There ain't a man alive that's good enough for you, sweetheart. You're so good. You're smart, you're kind. You're all the things he's never gonna be.''

Your heart melted at the love pouring from his words.

He gave her cheek one last squeeze before moving away, down the stairs and out of sight.

You pulled your daughter against you. She looked up at you, the tiniest of smiles on her face.

''Do you think he's really gonna kill him, mom?''

You let out a long breath and shrugged. ''For you? Probably, yeah.''

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