König X Reader: you and König are trapped in a burning building

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Based on a pov by @colonel.konig.99 on TikTok!


Rubble and embers. That's all you could see before you as you followed behind your Colonel.

The foundation of the warehouse creaked and groaned, support beams withering away from fire's destruction.

The mission had gone well. Too fucking well. You'd hacked the systems, recovered the intel needed. Until some fucker on your team triggered a trip wire.

Fire. Smoke. The ground shaking with a deafening explosion.

His heart broke as he felt you shake against him. Even though he was your Colonel, the two of you had grown closer in the last few months.

It wasn't just the physical. König cared for you so deeply.

He looked around frantically, the smoke entering his mask through the holes, tears forming to keep the ash out.

A small sliver of light caught his eye, and he pulled you along towards it. His hand tight around yours, pieces of the warehouse's roof crashing down behind you.

He looked back, the fear in your eyes as you met his sending electricity through his veins. He needed to protect you. Needed to keep you safe.

In his distraction, he didn't see the rubble crashing down above you.

You called his name a second too late, time slowing down as you watched him disappear in front of you.

Your vision went dark as ash and rubble formed your tomb.

A light, far away, piercing through as a voice you loved tried to be heard over the ringing in your ears. Another bit of light breaking through as another piece of concrete gets pulled off of you.

Fire roared above you, swirling as it sharpened into view, soon obscured by König's worried eyes.

His voice broke through, calling your name as he shook you awake. Your hand reached up to cover his as he held your face, cradling you in his lap.

A sharp pain registered in your thigh. You groaned as you shifted, lifting your head slightly to see a piece of metal sticking out.

Panic pulled at your heart as you crashed back down on his thigh, eyes finding his in a frenzy.

''König,'' you pleaded, his hand finding yours and holding it against his chest.

''I know, Liebling. It's okay.'' His voice faltered as emotion pushed through. Tears streaked down your face, leaving clear marks through the ash mudding your skin.

''König, I'm scared,'' your voice choked up through your tears. His grip on your hand tightened.

Fire ate through the metal frame above, contrasting against the dark smoke. König knew this building was collapsing any second, taking the both of you down with it.

His hand gently gripped your cheek as your scared eyes trailed over the burning structure.

''Look at me, Y/N. We're okay. We'll be okay soon.''

Your eyes locked on his, warmth spreading from them even in this dire situation. Your hand weakly lifted up to touch the side of his face through his mask.

''Go,'' you breathed softly, barely audible over the roaring fire.

''What was that?'' König leaned closer to hear you, the material of his mask warm against your cheek.

''Go, my love. Get out of here.''

His eyes went wide at your soft words, grip tightening around you as he pulled you against him.

''Not a chance, meine Liebe. It's going to be okay.''

Your mind remembered flashes of your time with him, cruelly, as if to taunt you. Downtime between missions, spent flirting at KorTac's gym. Him, correcting your stance at the gunrange, his tall form nearly all encompassing as he moved your limbs.

The first time he took off his mask in front of you, and you could finally place a gorgeous face to his voice.

Tears formed in your eyes again as he rested his forehead to yours, holding you tight as rubble crashing down shook the ground around you.

This was it. This was it.

''I love you,'' you cried. ''I love you. I love you.''

Repeating it, like a mantra, making sure that he knew, even if you had not been able to say it before now.

His hand moved to your cheek, caressing the soft skin as his other arm pressed you against him. You felt a somber chuckle rattle his body.

''I love you, Y/N. It's okay. We'll be okay.''

Smoke and fire battled for a place in the sky, eating away at the wood and stone, reducing the warehouse to nothing. Just a whisper of what once was.

A final crash, then silence. With nothing left to feed it, the fire settled back to small flames, lingering around the site, fizzling out slowly.

The authorities wouldn't find out what happened in there, the traces quickly covered up by KorTac and kept far from the public.

Those who looked, would find them. Two bodies, charred to the bone, interlinked in an embrace forever.

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